Surah Sabbihisma Rabbikal Ala PDF

Surah Sabbihisma Rabbikal Ala PDF

Download Surah Aala PDF Arabic 48 KB

Introduction Surah Al Ala

It comes in the 87th place in order. It was also revealed in the early period of the establishment of Makkah. It has 9 verses and one ruku.

This small surah is the source of various sciences. That is, the religious, spiritual, moral, and physical sciences have been beautifully described in very concise and concise words. And in the light of these beliefs, the paths of heaven and hell have been highlighted.

Belief in Monotheism, Prophethood and the Hereafter makes our life pure and bright and peaceful and these beliefs give us a high and successful status apart from non-Muslims. And this lesson was always given by all the apostles.

  Blessed are those who have learned this lesson, practiced it and taught it to others, and unlucky are those who have distanced themselves from this lesson and become brothers of Satan.

Download Surah Aala PDF Arabic 48 KB

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