Download Surah Tariq PDF 43 KB
Introduction to Surah Al Tariq
This surah has one Ruku and 17 verses. His number is 86 of surah of Quran.
This surah was revealed in the early period of the Meccan period, when the people of Mecca were trying to destroy the truth and promote falsehood in every way, and this was clearly a fight against Allah, and they did not know that it was Winning the war was not only difficult but also impossible.
These two topics have been discussed in this surah. One is the evidence of Allah’s power and the other is the comprehensiveness and truth of the Holy Quran. Which has been further illuminated by the starry night and the clear evidence of the birth of man. And the hereafter has been proved true and irrefutable.
In the end, the fact has been told in emphatic words that no matter how hard they try, the truth cannot be erased, but they will see with their own eyes how all their tricks will be met and the Qur’an will become dominant. God willing, the light of Quran will be the light of Islam illuminating the whole world.
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