Importence of Names in Hadiths
Narrated Abud Darda: The Prophet ﷺ said: On the Day of Resurrection you will be called by your names and by your father’s names, so give yourselves good names. (sunan abi daud: 4948)
Hazrat Anas said; I took ‘Abd Allah b. Abi Talhah, when he was born, to the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم), and the prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) was wearing a woolen cloak and rubbing tar on his camel. He asked:
Have you some dates? I said: Yes. I then gave him some dates which he put in his mouth, chewed them, opened his mouth and then in it. The baby began to lick them. The prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) said: ANSAR’s favourite (fruit) is dates. And he gave him the name of ‘Abd al-Rahman. (sunan abi daud: 4951)
Narrated Abu Wahb al-Jushami (RA):
The Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم) said: Call yourselves by the names of the Prophets. The names dearest to Allah are ‘Abdullah and ‘Abdur Rahman, the truest are Harith and Hammam, and the worst are Harb and Murrah. (sunan abi daud: 4950)
Choosing the best Islamic name
Among the moral rights of children over parents is the right to choose a good name.
Parents must choose good names for their children when they are born and avoid giving the child an ugly name that will harm him as he grows up, as, Since there is no doubt that a person’s name has an impact on his psyche, either positively or negatively, depending on the goodness or ugliness of the name.
Muslim conditions regarding naming children
Today, the world of the Internet has become very common and popular. People take the help of Google and YouTube for many of their issues, one of which is the naming of babies.
Earlier, people used to go to scholars and experts in Islamic studies to name their children, and they would suggest suitable names.
But now mostly people access the internet for naming, and they name by trusting these websites and blogs.
Nowadays, in our society, a lot of meaningless names are seen, in which the names of the Internet play a major role.
There are hundreds of Islamic name websites on the internet, and Facebook and Instagram have a long list of Islamic names and their meanings. But I say with full confidence that most of these names and their meanings are wrong.
And the reason for this is that our Islamic names are generally Arabic, Persian, or Urdu, which the majority of Muslims are not familiar with.
And this is also the case with people who publish these names on websites. They know a little bit of English, but they don’t know Arabic, Farsi, or Urdu. That’s why they write the reverse meaning of the names and publish them on their blog, and people who are searching for the name on Google assume that these bloggers must have been correct and considered good when they published them, and they believe them and put names with the reverse meaning.
We are definitely not saying that you should not search for a name on the Internet or that you should not choose a name from the Internet; you should search for a name and choose a name; just make sure that you consult an expert before finalizing the name. Be sure to ask if I want to keep this name—is it okay or not? If they finalize, then keep the name; otherwise, find another name and ask about it again.
It happens more to me that people send me internet names and ask me if they are correct or not. And many people also refer to websites that say the meaning of the name is correct or not. And I research the name and tell him if it’s right or wrong. Well, I have relatives who contact me, but I don’t know how many people will trust these names, so I thought of making a list of correct names and then publishing it on my blog so that common people will know and can also benefit from this.
List of Men Names With Meaning And Language
Names | Language | Meaning |
آدم Aadam | Arabic | Wheatish |
آصف Aasif/ Aasaf | Arabic/ Hebrew | Name of the minister of Prophet Sulaiman, collector, |
آفاق Aafaq | Arabic | Horizons, the world, |
آفتاب Aaftab | Persian | Sunshine, Sunlight |
أبان Aban | Arabic | Clear, apparent |
ابتسام Ibtisam | Arabic | Smile |
إبراز Ibraz | Arabic | Highlight |
إبراهيم/ أبراهم/أبرام Ibrahim, Abrahaam, Abram | Arabic/ Hebrew, Ibrani | The father of several generations, Father of many nations, |
أبصار Absar | Arabic | Insight, wisdom |
أبو ذر Abu Zarr | Arabic | Name of the famous companion of the Prophet |
أبو هريرة Abu Hurairah | Arabic | Name of the famous companion of the Prophet |
أبيض Abyaz/ Abyadh | Arabic | White |
أثرم Asram/ Athram | Arabic | With broken teeth |
أثير Aseer/ Atheer | Arabic | Chosen, high, exalted |
إجلال Ijlaal | Arabic | magnificence, honour, glory, exaltation, |
أجمد Ajmad | Arabic | Necessary, to stay |
أجمل Ajmal | Arabic | very handsome, very beautiful |
احتشام Ihtisham | Arabic | Dignity, |
إحسان Ihsan | Arabic | good deeds |
إحسان الهي Ihsan Ilahi | Arabic | Allah’s grace |
أحسن Ahsan | Arabic | Very good, excellent, |
أحمد Ahmad | Arabic | More commendable |
أحوص Ahwas | Arabic | Careful, darn |
إدريس Idrees | Arabic | Prophet Enoch, a famous Prophet, His real name was Akhnuh or Enoch, his nickname is Idrees, he got this title because he was the first in the world to teach people how to read and write, that’s why people started calling him Idrees, which means the teacher. |
إدلال Idlal | Arabic | Conceit, arrogance |
أدهم Adham | Arabic | Completely black |
أربد Arbad | Arabic | Cloud, cloudy, |
ارتسام Irtisam | Arabic | Carving, |
ارتضى Irtaza | Arabic | Favorite |
أرجمند Arjumand | Persian | Honorable, lofty, good Valuable, glorious |
أرسلان Arsalan | Turkish | Lion, brave |
إرشاد Irshad | Arabic | Guiding |
أرشد Arshad | Arabic | Guided |
أرقم Arqam | Arabic | Name of the companion of the Prophet, black snake with white dots at the back bicoloured, having two colours (black and white or red) Note: It should be noted that when a name is attributed to a Sahabi and the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم, did not change it despite hearing that name, then there is no need to pay attention to its meaning, because the meaning of a name is auspicious and blessed. So it is enough that he is the name of a Sahabi. |
ارمغان Armaghan | Persian | Presents, mementos, souvenirs, gift |
أريب Areeb | Arabic | Wise, insightful, sensible |
أزرق Azraq | Arabic | Blue |
أزهر Azhar | Arabic | Bright, more bright |
أسامه Usama | Arabic | Lion, elevated |
إسحاق Ishaq | Hebrew/ Ibrani | Name of Prophet, son of ibraheem (A s) Laughter, joy |
أسد Asad | Arabic | Lion |
إسرار Israr | Arabic | Concealment, secrecy |
أسرار Asrar | Arabic | Secrets |
أسعد As’ad | Arabic | happy, Lucky |
أسفند Asfand | Persian | The seventh month of Persian |
أسلم Aslam | Arabic | Safe |
إسماعيلIsmail | Hebrew or Syriac | Prophet Ishmael, son of Prophet Abraham. Some said it means “submissive to Allah”. It is also narrated that when Ibrahim (peace be upon him) used to pray to Allah that he would be blessed with children, he used to say “Ishmael” meaning O Allah, listen to my prayer. When his prayer was accepted, Ibrahim (peace be upon him) named him with the same word. |
أسمر Asmar | Arabic | Wheat-coloured |
أسيد Usaid | Arabic | Little lion |
أشتياق Ishtiaq | Arabic | Interest, passion |
إشراق Ishraq | Arabic | Sunrise time, Sunrise |
أشرف Ashraf | Arabic | High, noble |
أشعث Ashas/ Ashath | Arabic | Dishevelled |
أشعر Ashar | Arabic | Having a lot of hair |
أشفاقIshfaq | Arabic | Tenderhearted, softhearted |
أشهب Ashhab | Arabic | Gray |
أصغر Asghar/ Asgar | Arabic | Junior, Littler |
أصيل Aseel | Arabic | Unmixed, pure, high-born, of noble blood, of good stock or lineage |
أطهر Athar | Arabic | More or most pious, more or most chaste, pure or purest |
أظفر Azfar | Arabic | Highly successful |
أظهر Azhar | Arabic | Most obvious |
اعتزاز Etizaz | Arabic | Pride |
اعتصام Etisam | Arabic | Junior, littler |
إعجاز Ejaz | Arabic | Miracle, marvel, miraculous outcome or phenomenon, miraculous effect |
إعزاز E’zaaz | Arabic | Honours, distinction, respect, esteem honorific title |
أعظم Azam | Arabic | The greatest |
افتخار Iftikhar | Arabic | Honour, glory, repute, distinction, elegance, pride |
أفراز Afraz | Persian | Exalting, raising, elevating, lifting, commanding |
أفروز Afroz | Persian | Enlightening, igniting, enkindling, one that brightens |
أفضال Afzaal | Arabic | Favours, kind acts, kindness, graciousness, patronage |
أفنان Afnan | Arabic | Branches |
إقبال Iqbal | Arabic | Luck, good fortune, high position, power, worldly grandeur blessing, auspiciousness, confession |
أقرع Aqra | Arabic | Hairless, tonsured, balding |
أقمر Aqmar | Arabic | More bright |
إكرام Ikram | Arabic | Favour, kindness, gift, generosities, bounties reverence, honour, veneration |
أكرم Akram | Arabic | More or most compassionate, more benevolent, most gracious respected, venerable, honourable |
إكمال Ikmaal | Arabic | Completing, finishing, accomplishing, perfecting |
أكمل Akmal | Arabic | Most perfect, complete in every respect |
التمش Altamish | Turkish | Advance guard of the army, vanguard |
ألطاف Altaf | Arabic | Grace, kindnesses, favours, benefits |
القاسم Alqasim | Arabic | Distributor, divider, one who distributes or allots, dividing, distributing, apportioning, allotting One of the holy names of Prophet Mohammed |
ألماس Almas | Persian | Diamond |
إلياس Ilyas | Prophet Eliyas, Elijah was the prophet from the race of Prophet Aaron (A Hebrew prophet in the time of Jezebel, 9th century BC) | |
امتثال Imtisal | Arabic | Act of carrying out an order, compliance, obedience, conforming (to law) |
امتنان Imtinan | Arabic | Conferring a favour or obligation, doing good to others, gratitude, thankfulness, gratefulness |
امتیاز Imtiaz | Arabic | Discernment, sense, judgement, discretion, separation, distinction, discrimination preference, prominence, honour, respect |
أمين Ameen | Arabic | A title of Prophet Muhammad, trustee, guardian, trustworthy, faithful |
انتسام Intisam | Arabic | Literary: blowing of fresh morning wind, Means: pleasant feeling of pleasant air |
انتصاب Intisab | Arabic | installation, erection, fixing, mounting |
أنصر Ansar | Arabic | Assistant, supporter |
انضمام الحق Inzimamulhaq | Arabic | Joining or welding together, intermingling |
أنظار Inzaar | Arabic | looks, glances, eyes |
أنفاس Anfaas | Arabic | breaths, respirations, moments of life, persons, individuals, voices, words |
أنوار Anwaar | Arabic | Lights, rays of lights, very bright light, splendor |
أنیس Unais | Arabic | The one who loves, associate, companion, comrade |
أنیس Anees | Arabic | The one who loves, associate, companion, comrade |
أوج Aoj | Arabic | High rank, ascendancy, highest position, rank or dignity, highest point, summit, zenith, top, apex, peak, vertex, sky, superiority |
أویس Owais | Arabic | wolf, a proper name, The name of the famous Tabyi: Owais Qarni |
أیاز Ayaz | Persian | slave, loved, beloved, Turkish slave of Sultan Mehmood of Ghazni |
إیثار Isar/ Ithar | Arabic | sacrifice, selflessness, preferring, choosing, presenting, bestowing, offering (a gift) |
أيوب Ayyub | Arabic | Prophet Job, a Prophet of Allah, whose patience is proverbial |
بابر Babar | Sanskrit | kind of grass used for making twisted rope or string, name of a sweet |
بابر Babar | Turkish | lion (as appellation of an Indo-Pakistan Moghul ruler) |
بازغ baazigh/ Bazig | Arabic | Bright |
بازل Bazil | Arabic | A strong, young, opinionated and experienced man |
باسط Basit | Arabic | (Textual) the giver of prosperity, (Literary) a characteristic name of God |
باسق Basiq | Arabic | A tall tree |
باقر Baqir | Arabic | researcher, deeply learned, abounding in riches, knowledge and science |
بخت Bakht | Persian | fortune, good fortune, luck, prosperity, portion, lot |
بختیار Bakhtyar | Persian | Lucky, fortunate |
بَدْرُ الدُّجیٰ Badrudduja | Arabic | a title of Prophet Muhammad, moon as the eradicator of darkness |
بدر الزمان Badruzzaman | Arabic | The moon of time, Famous |
بدیع Badee | Arabic | a branch of knowledge dealing with qualities of literary writings, innovator, inventor, novel, rare, extraordinary, wonderful |
بديع الزمان Badeeuzzaman | Arabic | Wonderful time |
براء Bara | Arabic | Free |
برھان Burhan | Arabic | proof, demonstration conclusiveness, reason, argument, clear proof |
بسام Bassam | Arabic | A frequent smiler |
بشارت Basharat | Arabic | Happy news |
بشیر Bashir | Arabic | messenger of good news, harbinger, messenger of glad tidings a title of Prophet Muhammad |
بکیر Bukair | Arabic | New, unique |
بهاؤ الدین Bahauddeen | Arabic | Light of Religion |
بهرام Bahram | Persian | the planet Mars, twentieth day of each solar month, name of ancient famous kings of Persia, name of several kings of Persia, and of other kingdoms in the East (corrupted by the Greeks into Varanes), name of several heroes the twentieth day of every Iranian month name of an angel |
تابش Tabish | Persian | brilliancy, splendour, twisting, heat, grief, sorrow, contortion |
تاثیر Taseer/ Tatheer | Arabic | effectiveness, efficacy, influence the making an impression impression, effect operation penetration |
تاجدین Tajdeen | Arabic | The crown of religion |
تجمّل Tajammul | Arabic | magnificence, dignity, pomp and show, splendour, beautification, decoration |
تحسین Tahseen | Arabic | applause, cheers, appreciation, acclamation, approbation, rendering attractive, praise, accolade |
تشریق Tashreeq | Arabic | (literally) brightness, light, brilliance. Determining the direction, determining the location, determining the correct and clear direction or area. |
تصدق Tasadduq | Arabic | sacrifice, charity, alms, oblation |
تقي Taqi | Arabic | God-fearing, pious, devout, abstemious |
تمیم Tameem | Arabic | Amulet (to be worn around the neck to avoid evil eye etc.) |
تنویر Tanveer | Arabic | illumination, refulgence clarification, explanation |
توصیف Tauseef | Arabic | praise, admiration, eulogy, commendation, accolade |
توفیق Taufeeq | Arabic | divine help or guidance, grace, favour means, resources ability, power, strength |
توقیر Tauqeer | Arabic | honour, respect, reverence, veneration |
ثاقب Saqib | Arabic | shining brightly, glittering, glistening one that brightens or illuminates |
ثعلبه Salabah | Arabic | Fox |
ثقلین Saqalain | Arabic | Both the worlds, this world and the hereafter doubling of weight or gravity mankind and spirits |
ثمال Semal/ themal | Arabic | Scream |
ثمامه Sumama/ Thumama | Arabic | A plant with dense branches |
ثمر Samar | Arabic | Fruit, produce ( Metaphorically) result, product;recompense, reward, outcome ( Metaphorically) children, offspring, son ( Metaphorically) profit, advantage |
ثمین Sameen/ Thameen | Arabic | precious, invaluable |
ثناء اللہ Sanaullah | Arabic | God’s praise |
جابر Jabir | Arabic | Name of Sahabi, despot, tyrant, oppressor |
جاذب Jazib | Arabic | absorbent, attractive, alluring, blotting paper |
جار اللہ Jarullah | Arabic | Seeking refuge in Allah |
جازل Jazil | Arabic | Happy |
جالب Jalib | Arabic | attracting, pulling, gaining, accruing |
جاوید Javed | Persian | eternal, undying, everlasting, perpetual |
جبیر Jubair | Arabic | Name of Sahabi, despot, tyrant, oppressor |
جریر Jarir | Arabic | Puller |
جسیم Jaseem | Arabic | having large physique, bulky, tall and broad, well-built |
جلال Jalal | Arabic | greatness, grandeur, eminence, dignity, state, majesty, splendour, glory, might power, awe, anger, predominance, dominance, terror |
جلیب Jaleeb | Arabic | attendant, suite, friend neighbourhood, vicinity, Metaphorically: accompanied |
جلید Jaleed | Arabic | frozen dew drops hail, ice, frost |
جمال Jamal | Arabic | beauty, elegance, comeliness, prettiness, grace (of body or mind ) |
جمان Juman | Arabic | Pearl |
جمیل Jamil | Arabic | beautiful, pretty, lovely, comely, elegant |
جندب Jundub | Arabic | Name of Sahabi, A type of grasshopper that makes a sound, jumps and flies |
جنید Junaid | Arabic | Name of Sahabi, A small part of the army |
جهانگیر Jahangir | Persian | world conquest, concerning to the Mogul emperor Jahangir |
جواد Jawad | Arabic | a characteristic name of God generous, bounteous, liberal, munificent, beneficent |
حاتم Hatim | Arabic | a generous person, a big-hearted person one who decrees or ordains, one who pronounces a judicial order legendary chief of the Arab tribe Tayy, famous for his boundless generosity |
حارث Haris/ Harith | Arabic | Farmer, peasant |
حازم Hazim | Arabic | cautious, careful, sagacious |
حاطب Hatib | Arabic | Wood seller, wood bringer, woodcutter |
حافد Hafid | Arabic | grandchild, nephew, an attendant, servant |
حامد Hamid | Arabic | one who praises one who praises (God), panegyrist |
حبیب Habib | Arabic | loved person, beloved, sweetheart, friend |
حذافه Huzafa | Arabic | leftovers, little thing |
حذیفه Huzaifa | Arabic | Name of Sahabi |
حزام Hazam | Arabic | To be farsighted Strengthening of the heart Being diligent in business |
حسام Husam | Arabic | sharp sword |
حسّان Hassaan | Arabic | very wise the famous poet of Arabic Hassan bin Sabit most comely or beautiful, very good |
حسنین Hasnain | Arabic | Hazrat Hasan and Hazrat Hussain, the two grandsons of Prophet Muhammad |
حسیب Hasib | Arabic | honourable, respectable, accountant, calculator, great one who calls to account or takes vengeance among the name of Allah |
حفص Hafs | Arabic | collecting, gathering a lion’s whelp a leather sack with which they draw earth out of wells a name given to Omar by Muhammad |
حفیظ Hafeez | Arabic | guardian, name of God |
حکیم Hakeem | Arabic | physician, doctor, practitioner of Eastern medicine a wise man, sage, philosopher name of Allah a statesman |
حمّاد Hammad | Arabic | some who praises a lot, excessive in praising Allah |
حماس Himas | Arabic | Defender, brave |
حمدان Hamdan | Arabic | Appreciative |
حمزه Hamza | Arabic | lion brave name of an uncle of Prophet Muhammad who was famous for his bravery the orthographical sign |
حمود Hamood | Arabic | praised, celebrated |
حمید Hameed | Arabic | praised, commended, approved praiseworthy, laudable, commendable, approvable an appellation of Prophet Muhammad an attribute of Allah |
حمیر Humair | Arabic | Pink |
حمیز Hameez | Arabic | Very smart, witty and cheerful |
حمیس Hamees | Arabic | Brave and enthusiastic person |
حنان Hannan | Arabic | granter, bestower an attributive name of Allah |
حنبل Hambal | Arabic | Imam Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Hambal, the fourth of the four great Imams of the Ahl al-Sunnah, founded the Hanbali sect. |
حنیف Hanif | Arabic | one professing the religion of Abraham an orthodox Musulman unshaken in his religious profession the title of Prophet Abraham |
حیدر Haidar | Arabic | an appellation of Hazrat Ali, cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad, who was famous for his bravery lion brave |
خالد Khalid | Arabic | eternal, the one who remains young forever, perpetual a famous commander of Islam Khalid bin Waleed, a proper name |
خاور Khawar | Persian | the west (but often used by poets for) the east the sun |
خبّاب Khabbab | Arabic | Name Of Sahabi |
خبیب Khubaib | Arabic | Name Of Sahabi |
خذیمہ Khuzaima | Arabic | Name Of Sahabi |
خرم Khurram | Persian | delightful, cheerful, pleased, happy, luxuriant, glad, merry, smiling, flourishing fresh, green, chrome |
خریم Khuraim | Arabic | delightful, cheerful, pleased, happy, |
خضر Khizar/ Khizr | Arabic | Khizr-immortal name of a legendary prophet who is supposedly immortal name of a Prophet who is said to have discovered the fountain of life and drunk it, guide, leader |
خطیب Khatib | Arabic | a preacher, a public speaker or orator orator, speaker, one who delivers a sermon |
خلاد Khallad | Arabic | Immortal |
خلیق Khaleeq | Arabic | well-disposed, of good disposition, kind, affable, benign, urbane, obliging, civil, polite, courteous |
خلیل Khalil | Arabic | friend, true friend, title of Prophet Abraham |
خورشید Khurshid | Persian | Sun, sunshine |
داؤد Daud | Arabic | David (Prophet and king of Israel) who had a melodious voice, symbolic: dear, beloved, means: God |
دانش Danish | Persian | knowledge, learning, wisdom, sagacity understanding, sagacity |
دانیال Daniyal | Persian | livelihood, grain, ration a Prophet of Israelites in between Prophet David and Prophet Jesus, he was famous for the dream interpretation |
دحیه Dihya | Arabic | (literally) floor, step, name of a companion of the Prophet in whose form Hazrat Jibril appeared before Hazrat Mohammad |
دلاور Dilawar | Persian | courageous, brave, valiant, gallant, heroic, daring, valorous |
ذبیح Zabeeh | Arabic | sacrificed, slaughtered Prophet Ismael, a surname of Ishmael who was the son whom Abraham designed to sacrifice, and not Isaac). |
ذکاء Zaka | Arabic | Intelligence and alertness |
ذکوان Zakwan | Arabic | Intelligence and alertness |
ذکی Zaki | Arabic | sharp, acute, shrewd, clever, ingenious, intelligent, sagacious |
ذہیب Zheeb | Arabic | golden |
ذہیب Zuhaib | Arabic | golden |
ذوالفقار Zulfiqar | Arabic | the double-aged sword possessed by Prophet Muhammad which he gave to Hazrat Ali (metaphorically) sword |
ذوالقرنین Zulqarnain | Arabic | an epithet of Alexander the Great the title of a king mentioned in Quran and who built a great wall to stop the Yajuj-Majuj dynasty lord of the two horns, East and West the sovereign with a double-horned crown |
ذوالکفل Zulkifl | Arabic | Name of a prophet The name of a companion of a prophet |
راحیل Raheel רָחֵל | Hebrew | According to one saying, the name of an angel and according to a commentary tradition, the name of the mother of Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him). |
راسخ Rasikh | Arabic | firm, steady, steadfast, stable, durable, constant, fixed, fast, settled, established, rooted sincere |
راشد Rashid | Arabic | taking or following a right way or course, holding a right belief, orthodox pious, faithful one who takes or follows a right way one who is directed aright |
راغب Raaghib/ Raagib | Arabic | inclined to, turning towards, having a leaning (towards), attending to, taking a liking to, willing (to), desirous |
رافع Raafe | Arabic | Separating, removing or repelling. An attribute name of Allah Ta’ala. Raiser, raiser. |
رامش Ramish | Persian | happiness, cheer, enjoyment, complacency repose, rest, ease joy, mirth, hilarity harmony, modulation |
رامین Rameen | Persian | Obedient and submissive |
رباب Rubab | Persian | a kind of stringed musical instrument, rebec, viol, harp |
ربیع Rabee | Arabic | spring time spring-grass the spring-harvest (grain sown in October-November, and cut in the spring months March-April, comprising wheat, barley, peas, gram, oil-seed, arhar) crops harvested in spring |
رحیق Raheeq | Arabic | best or purest wine, liquid, hard-heartedness |
رزین Razeen | Arabic | serious, sober |
رسیم Rasim | Arabic | To be of good pace, to walk well |
رشید Rasheed | Arabic | trained, educated, nutritional dutiful, pious, righteous, orthodox, guided in the right way, follower of the right path obedient, the one who obey the order or preaches, the one who provide wises, a characteristic name of God brave, courageous |
رضوان Rizwan | Arabic | complacency, satisfaction, state of being pleased, keeper, or guardian of Paradise, God’s pleasure, good offices |
رضي Razee | Arabic | chosen (person) happy, pleased |
رفیع Rafee | Arabic | high, elevated, exalted, lofty, eminent, sublime, glorious, noble loud (in voice) or in respect or in stats |
رفیق Rafeeq | Arabic | acompanion (in travelling, and generally), associate, comrade, friend, ally coadjutor an accomplice, accessory, confederate an adherent, a follower |
رقیب Raqeeb | Arabic | rival or competitor opponent, especially in love |
رقیم Raqeem | Arabic | As’hab-e-Kahaf who is called ‘As.hab-e-Raqeeim’ because of his stay in the cave, cave, mountain valley or village in which As, hab-e-Kahaf slept, ‘As.hab-e-Kahaf’s dog, the book in which the story of ‘As.hab-e-Kahaf is mentioned |
رمضان Ramazan/ Ramadhan | Arabic | Arabic Islamic ninth month (of the moon) (Islam) In this month Muslims keep fast for the whole day and recite Taraweeh at night. |
رمیز Rameez | Arabic | Honorable, majestic, respectable |
رواحہ Rawaha | Arabic | Comfortable and quiet |
روح الأمین Ruhul Amin | Arabic | Honest soul, Jibrail |
رومان Ruman | English | Romance, love |
رومان Ruman | Arabic | Umm Ruman bint Amer al-Farasiyya al-Kananiyah, a righteous woman among the female companions. She is the wife of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq and the mother of the Mother of Aisha bint Abi Bakr and Abd al-Rahman bin Abi Bakr. She converted to Islam in Mecca after Abu Bakr, pledged allegiance, and migrated to Medina, where she died |
رویفع Ruwaifa | Arabic | exalted, lofty, eminent, sublime, glorious, noble |
ریاض Riyaz | Arabic | hard work, toil, labour, exertion physical exercise practice or exercise in music regular and constant practice to learn something gardens practice, discipline |
ریحان Raihan | Arabic | an odoriferous plant, sweet, basil, any fragrant plant |
زاہد Zahid | Arabic | hermit, devotee, abstinent religious devout, monk, ascetic, recluse religious, devout, abstinent, ascetic |
زبیر Zubair | Arabic | Very strong, powerful, strong |
زخرف Zukhruf | Arabic | adornment, embellishment, ornament, beauty a speech embellished with fine imagery and romantic fiction, eloquence, elegance adorned falsehood, exaggeration gold |
زرعه Zurah | Arabic | Sowing |
زَرِ ناب Zar e nab | Persian | pure gold, unmixed, unadulterated gold, the sun. |
زعیم Zayeem | Arabic | prominent personality, leader, chief, accountable, guarantor |
زکریا Zakariyyah | Arabic | Prophet Zakariyyah Hazrat Zakaria (peace be upon him) who was torn by his opponents with a saw |
زکی Zaki | Arabic | virtuous, pious, chaste, blameless, sinless |
زمر Zumar | Arabic | crowds of people, troops |
زمرد Zamurrad | Arabic | emerald, a green coloured precious stone, green colored gem |
زمعه Zama’ah | Arabic | a patch of grass |
زمیل Zameel | Arabic | classmate |
زہاد Zahhad | Arabic | pious persons, ascetics, mystics |
زہید Zuhaid | Arabic | Ascetic, pious |
زہیر Zuhair | Arabic | Many companions of the Prophet ﷺ have the name, Small flower, bud |
زیب Zeb | Arabic | adorning, decorating beauty, elegance, grace, adornment, adorning, imparting grace to, becoming, suiting, looking ornament, beauty, elegance |
زید Zaid | Arabic | The name of the famous companion of prophet Muhammad ﷺ, Increasing, augmenting, adding |
زیرک Zerak | Persian | knowledgeable, wise, learned, prudent, intelligent, ingenious, acute |
زین Zain | Arabic | grace, elegance, beauty, adornment |
ساجد Sajid | Arabic | one who prostrates in adoration or prayer, adorer, worshipper, prostrating in adoration |
سادات Sadaat | Arabic | respectful, masters, princess, lords descendants of Hazrat Fatima, the daughter of Prophet Muhammad |
سالک Salik | Arabic | one who goes along, going, travelling, traveller ( Metaphorically) devotee;a class of Moḥammadans who observe the law and lead a domestic life;an individual of that class, mystic, Sufi, a devotee (of the mystic path ) |
سالم Salim | Arabic | perfect, entire whole, complete safe, secure, sound |
سبحان Subhan | Arabic | glorifying, magnifying, praising God |
سبطین Sibtain | Arabic | two grandsons of Prophet Muhammad: Hazrat Hasan and Hazrat Husain |
سحاب Sahaab | Arabic | cloud |
سدید Sadid | Arabic | strong, upright, righteous |
سدیس Sudais | Arabic | The sixth |
سراج Siraj | Arabic | lamp, candle, sun |
سراقه Suraqa | Arabic | Stolen thing, a distinguished person of the Quraysh dynasty (Arab) |
سرحان Sirhan | Arabic | Wolf |
سرمد Sarmad | Arabic | eternal, everlasting, perpetual, overjoyed |
سروپ Suroop | Sanskrit | like, similar, handsome, beautiful, well-formed |
سرور Sarwar | Persian | Commander |
سعود Saood | Arabic | Blessed |
سعید Sayeed | Arabic | fortunate, august, auspicious, blessed, happy qualified, mannerly, virtuous |
سلامت Salamat | Arabic | safety, peace, state of being secure from danger or harm, health securely, safely, in safety |
سلسبیل Salsabeel | Arabic | name of a fountain in Paradise running clear water anything tender and digestible |
سلطان Sultan | Arabic | king, emperor, a ruler, monarch, sovereign, potentate convincing, proof absolute power, sway, authority sovereignty |
سلمان Salaman | Arabic | Safety, peace |
سلیک Saleek | Arabic | Threaded, knotted, knotted, attached. |
سلیم Saleem | Arabic | affable, courteous, free from flaw or stain, wholesome safe, secure, free sound, perfect healthy right |
سلیمان Sulaiman | Arabic | safety, peace, state of being secure from danger or harm, health |
سمّاک Sammak | Arabic | fish seller |
سمران Samraan | Arabic | Storyteller |
سمسام Samsaam | Arabic | high speed and Light and delicate thing |
سمید Sameed | Arabic | Flour core, a type of white flour |
سمیر Sameer | Sanskrit | gentle wind |
سمیط Sumait | Companion’s Name | |
سنان Sinan | Arabic | spear-head, point, spear (of a spear or arrow), the point of an arrow or needle arch, javelin, lance sharpness of anything |
سندان Sindan | Persian | Anvil, the iron on which iron is beaten. |
سہیل Suhail | Arabic | the star Canopus (Figurative) shining star ( Metaphorically) bright, prominent |
سهیم Saheem | Arabic | even, equal, an equal, a partner |
سیرین Sireen | Arabic | Famous muhaddith, jurist and imam of interpretation of Dream |
سیف Saif | Arabic | Sword |
سیماب Seemab | Persian | mercury, quicksilver, restless |
شارق Shariq | Arabic | sparkling, bright, shining, illuminous (sun ) |
شاکر Shakir | Arabic | indebted, obliged, beholden, grateful, thankful, content with one’s lot |
شاہِد Shahid | Arabic | eyewitness, bystander sweetheart, beloved |
شاہین Shaheen | Persian | (Bird) a royal white falcon (in some books a falcon has been called an eagle) the pointer of a scale, the beam of scale, the tongue of a balance a type of trumpet a kind of gun in time of Mughal |
شبیب Shabeeb | Arabic | Name Of Sahabi |
شبیر Shabbeer | Syriac | beautiful, a man with high quality and character, appellation of Hazrat Hussain, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad, name of Haroon Alaihisslam’s son |
شجاع Shuja | Arabic | brave, valiant |
شرافت Sharafat | Arabic | dignity, honour, state of being noble, nobility, civility, good manners, courtesy, politeness |
شرید Shareed | Arabic | vagabond, vagabond, vagabond, tramp |
شعیب Shuaib | Arabic | Prophet Jethro or Hobab, the father-in-law of Moses, Small gorge |
شفقت Shafqat | Arabic | affectionate kindness, clemency |
شفیع Shafee | Arabic | one who recommends, advocate, intercessor, mediator, possessor of the right of pre-emption |
شفیق Shafeeq | Arabic | compassionate, affectionate, merciful, a kind friend, gracious |
شکیب Shakeeb | Persian | Patience, endurance |
شکیل Shakeel | Arabic | Handsome, comely |
شمّاس Shammaas | Arabic | sun-worshipper |
شمشاد Shamshad | Persian | the box tree, tall and upright, the graceful figure of a beloved |
شھاب Shihab | Arabic | flame, flashing fire flame (of fire), a firebrand a brightly-shining star, a shooting or falling star, a meteor, comet |
شھاب Shahaab | Persian | a red colour (said to be the colour extracted from bastard saffron) milk diluted with water deep red colour used in paintings the doublet of ‘shah-aab’ a young dog, puppy |
شیث Shees/ Sheeth | Arabic | Literary: God’s gift, The name of a Prophet who was the third child of Prophet Adam, because Kabil had killed Habil, therefore Allah gave him as a replacement for him |
شیراز Shiraz | Persian | Shiraz, a city in Iran curd strained from whey and firm, cheese |
صائب Saaib | Arabic | well-directed, well-aimed, right (as an opinion), sound in judgement, appropriate |
صابر Sabir | Arabic | enduring, forbearing, a person with patient, person with fortitude, a title of Prophet Job who is famous for great patient |
صادق Sadiq | Arabic | true, faithful, veracious, sincere, true to one’s word candid, obvious |
صادقین Sadiqeen | Arabic | True, righteous Elders and Prophets. |
صالح Salih | Arabic | virtuous, pious, good, of good moral character, Righteous, chaste a prophet mentioned in the Quran and Bahaai books who prophesied to the tribe of Thamud in ancient Arabia |
صبحان Sabhaan | Arabic | Morning wine drinker |
صبحان Subhaan | Arabic | friend |
صبغۃ اللہ Sibghatulla | Arabic | God’s will true faith, Islam |
صبیح Sabeeh | Arabic | fair-complexioned, of good complexion, bright, or fair of face ( Metaphorically) beautiful, handsome, comely, graceful, elegant |
صداقت Sadaqat | Arabic | true or sincere friendship love, affection friendliness sincerity, candour loyalty, fidelity truth |
صدام Saddam | Arabic | Striking, courageous, brave |
صدیق Sadeeq | Arabic | Friend |
صدیق Siddeeq | Arabic | ever truthful, true, sincere |
صغیر Saghir/ Sageer | Arabic | junior, minor, small, inferior, contemptible |
صفدر Safdar | Arabic | warrior who breaks the enemy ranks, one who disrupts the enemy’s line |
صفوان Safwan | Arabic | rocks, stones |
صمصام Samsaam | Arabic | A sword, a dagger, (N) active, light. (Adj). sharp sword |
صھیب Suhaib | Arabic | A Sahabi named Hazrat Suhaib Rumi |
صولت Saulat | Arabic | awe, fear, dread, fury, dignity, pomp and show, commanding personality |
ضحّاک Zahhak | Arabic | an extraordinarily laughing person, a person who laughs a lot name of a very cruel Persian king |
ضرغام Zirgham/ Zirgaam | Arabic | lion (metaphorically) brave |
ضمام Zumam/ \Dhumaam | Arabic | A means to mix and match |
ضمیر Zameer | Arabic | mind, heart, conscience, pronoun |
ضیاء Zia/ Dhia | Arabic | light, splendour, brilliance, blaze, illumination gem radiance the sun light |
ضیغم Zaigam/ Dhaigham | Arabic | lion (metaphorically) brave |
طارف Tarif | Arabic | Nice, fresh |
طارق Tariq | Arabic | one who comes at nighttime a nocturnal traveller anything that appears at night (Figurative) a thief (Figurative) the morning star name ofa great Muslim general (Metaphorically) a soothsayer, a fortune teller |
طالب Talib | Arabic | candidate craving, desirous, asking, demanding lover, suitor seeker, lover, candidate, student seeker, enquirer |
طاہر Tahir | Arabic | pure pure, chaste, clean, unsullied chaste pure, of noble descent, chaste |
طریر Tareer | Arabic | A handsome person. Adjective, Pen Name Agreeable |
طریف Tareef | Arabic | Rare, strange, wonderful |
طفیل Tufail | Arabic | companion, humble follower, parasite by means of, through the good offices of, by reason of, thanks to mediation, intervention, means |
طلال Talaal | Arabic | Nice and favorite |
طلیق Taleeq | Arabic | cheerful free, unrestrained |
طیب Tayyib | Arabic | best part of something fragrance, odour goodness, happiness, willingness good, nice pleasant pure, right Good, sweet, agreeable, tasteful, lawful Holy, pure |
ظافر Zafir | Arabic | victorious |
ظریف Zareef | Arabic | a witty person, a jocker, one who makes others laugh, witty, a wit, a wag humorous, jocose, jocular, jovial, comical clever, ingenious, smart, excellent, good, elegant, polite, gallant beautiful, pretty-faced, handsome |
ظفار Zaffaar | Arabic | Very successful |
ظفر Zafar | Arabic | triumph, victory, success, conquest, gain, winning Zafar is pen name of the last Moghul King Bahadur Shah who was also a poet |
ظفیر Zafeer | Arabic | successful |
ظهور Zuhoor | Arabic | appearing, arising, springing up the act of appearance, manifestation, emergence, advent, visibility coming to pass |
ظہیر Zaheer | Arabic | supporter, ally, associate |
عائذ Aaiz | Arabic | Asylum seeker, shelter seeker, seeker of protection |
عابد Aabid | Arabic | godly, pious, devout worshipper, believer, devotee |
عاتف Aatif | Arabic | The reaper |
عادل Aadil | Arabic | one who acts equitably or justly one whose testimony is trustworthy |
عازب Azib | Arabic | Unmarried, separate |
عاشر Ashir | Arabic | tenth, the tenth part, treat with great but outward respect ‘Aashir’ is the person appointed by the emperor to collect donate or pay merchants on the highway a tithe-collector, a publican, revenue-collector |
عاصف Asif | Arabic | gust of wind, storm |
عاصم Asim | Arabic | protector, guardian, guard (metaphorically) chaste, virtuous, saver from sins |
عاطر Atir | Arabic | fragrant, noble, gracious, beneficent, generous |
عاطف Atif | Arabic | inclined, refractive, kind, benevolent |
عاقب Aqib | Arabic | trailing behind, last |
عاقل Aqil | Arabic | wise man, sage, man of intelligence or understanding, intelligent, wise, sensible |
عاکف Akif | Arabic | one who stays secluded in mosque for prayers |
عامر Amir | Arabic | one who cultivates, makes inhabitable, a builder cultivated, inhabited, flourishing a proper name |
عبّاد Abbad | Arabic | worshiper |
عبد الاعلٰی Abdul Ala | Arabic | Servant of uppermost |
عبد الباقی Abdul Baqi | Arabic | Servent of The Everlasting |
عبد البصیر Abdul Basir | Arabic | Servant of The All-Seeing |
عبد التواب Abdut Tawwab | Arabic | Servant of The Ever-Pardoning |
عبد الجبار Abdul Jabbar | Arabic | Servant of The Compeller, The Restorer |
عبد الجلیل Abdul Jalil | Arabic | Servant of The Majestic |
عبد الحسیب Abdul Hasib | Arabic | Servant of The Reckoner |
عبد الحفیظ Abdul Hafeez | Arabic | Servant of The Preserver |
عبد الحکم Abdul Hakam | Arabic | Servant of The Impartial Judge |
عبد الحکیم Abdul Hakeem | Arabic | Servant of The All-Wise |
عبد الحلیم Abdul Haleem | Arabic | Servant of The Most Forbearing |
عبد الحمید Abdul Hameed | Arabic | Servant of The Praiseworthy |
عبد الحنان Abdul Hannan | Arabic | Servant of the benevolent |
عبد الحیی Abdul Hay | Arabic | Servant of The Ever-Living |
عبد الخالق Abdul Khaliq | Arabic | Servant of The Creator |
عبد الخبیر Abdul Khabir | Arabic | Servant of the Most Aware |
عبد الرؤوف Abdur Rauf | Arabic | The Most Kind |
عبد الرب Abdur Rabb | Arabic | Servant of the breeder |
عبد الرحمان Abdur Rahman | Arabic | Servant of Servant of the Most Merciful |
عبد الرحیم Abdur Rahim | Arabic | Servant of Servant of the Most Merciful |
عبد الرزاق Abdur Razzaq | Arabic | Servant of the Provider |
عبد الرشید Abdur Rasheed | Arabic | Servant of The Guide, Infallible Teacher |
عبد الرقیب Abdur Raqib | Arabic | Servant of The Watchful |
عبد السبحان Abdus Subhan | Arabic | Servant of Glory be to Him |
عبد الستیر Abdus Sittir | Arabic | Servant of the Hider |
عبد السلام Abdus Salam | Arabic | Servant of The Source of Peace, The Flawless |
عبد السمیع Abdus Sami | Arabic | Servant of The All-Hearing |
عبد الشکور Abdush Shakur | Arabic | Servant of The Most Appreciative |
عبد الصبور Abdus Saboor | Arabic | Servant of The Forbearing |
عبد الصمد Abdus Samad | Arabic | Servant of The Eternal, Satisfier of Needs |
عبد العزیز Abdul Aziz | Arabic | Servant of All Mighty |
عبد العظیم Abdul Azeem | Arabic | Servant of The Magnificent, The Supreme |
عبد العلیم Abdul Aleem | Arabic | Servant of The All-Knowing |
عبد الغفار Abdul Ghaffar | Arabic | Servant of The Constant Forgiver |
عبد الغفور Abdul Ghafur | Arabic | Servant of The Great Forgiver |
عبد الغني Abdul Ghani | Arabic | Servant of the Free of all wants and needs |
عبد الفتّاح Abdul Fattah | Arabic | The Supreme Solver |
عبد القابض Abdul Qabiz/ Qabidh | Arabic | Servant of The Withholder |
عبد القادر Abdul Qadir | Arabic | Servant of The Omnipotent One |
عبد القدوس Abdul Quddoos | Arabic | Servant of The Most Sacred |
عبد القدیر Abdul Qadeer | Arabic | Servant of The Omnipotent One |
عبد القوي Abdul Qawi | Arabic | Servant of The All-Strong |
عبد القیّوم Abdul Qayyum | Arabic | Servant of The Sustainer, The Self-Subsisting |
عبد الکریم Abdul Karim | Arabic | Servant of The Most Generous, The Most Esteemed |
عبد الکفیل Abdul Kafeel | Arabic | Servant of The guarantor |
عبد اللطیف Abdul Lateef | Arabic | Servant of The Subtle One, The Most Gentle |
عبد اللہ Abdullah | Arabic | Servant of Allah |
عبد المؤمن Abdul Mumin | Arabic | Servant of The Infuser of Faith |
عبد الماجد Abdul Majid | Arabic | Servant of The Illustrious, the Magnificent |
عبد المالک Abdul Malik | Arabic | Servant of the Owner of everything |
عبد المتین Abdul Matin | Arabic | Servant of The Firm, The Steadfast |
عبد المجیب Abdul Mujeeb | Arabic | Servant of The Responsive One |
عبد المجید Abdul Majeed | Arabic | Servant of The Glorious, The Most Honorable |
عبد المصور Abdul Musawwir | Arabic | Servant of The Fashioner, The Bestower of Forms |
عبد المعید Abdul Mueed | Arabic | Servant of Servant of the Giver of Shelter |
عبد المقتدر Abdul Muqtadir | Arabic | Servant of The Powerful |
عبد المقیت Abdul Muqit | Arabic | Servant of The Sustainer |
عبد الملک Abdul Malik | Arabic | Servant of The King |
عبد المنان Abdul Mannan | Arabic | Servant of Servant of the benefactor |
عبد المنعم Abdul Munim | Arabic | Servant of the Rewarder |
عبد المھیمن Abdul Muhaiman | Arabic | Servant of The Preserver of Safety |
عبد النصیر Abdun Naseer | Arabic | Servant of the helper |
عبد الھادی Abdul Hadi | Arabic | Servant of The Guide |
عبد الواجد Abdul Wajid | Arabic | Servant of The Perceiver |
عبد الوارث Abdul Waris/ Warith | Arabic | Servant of The Inheritors, The Heirs |
عبد الوحید Abdul Waheed | Arabic | Servant of one and only |
عبد الودود Abdul Wadud | Arabic | Servant of The Most Lover |
عبد الوکیل Abdul Wakil | Arabic | Servant of The Trustee, The Disposer of Affairs |
عبد الولی Abdul Wali | Arabic | Servant of The Protecting Associate |
عبد الوھّاب Abdul Wahhab | Arabic | Servant of The Supreme Bestower |
عبدان Abdan | Arabic | worshiper |
عبید Ubaid | Arabic | worshipper, inferior, slave, devotee |
عبید اللہ Ubaidulla | Arabic | Humble servant of Allah |
عبیر Abeer | Arabic | a perfume compounded of musk, saffron, sandalwood, and rose, a kind of powder used at the saturnalia of the holi |
عتبان Itbaan | Arabic | Name of Sahabi |
عتبان Abaan | Arabic | scold |
عتیق Ateeq | Arabic | ancient, antiquated, old rare the title of first caliph of Islam, a poetic parameter (bahar’s) name, Arabian horse |
عتیل Ateel | Arabic | thirsty |
عجلان Ajlan | Arabic | Overhasty |
عداس Adaas | Arabic | Companion’s Name |
عدن Adan | Arabic | The name of Paradise |
عدنان Adnan | Arabic | an ancestor of Hazrat Muhammad Sahib who was famous for his eloquence and eloquent |
عدی Adi | Arabic | The edge of the valley, foreign people, distant people, enemies, Companion’s Name |
عدیل Adeel | Arabic | the like or equal (of a thing), alike equivalent, equal just, equitable a counterbalancing load in quantity or weight equal to a load on one side of a horse or camel one who dispenses justice, justice |
عرباض Irbaz | Arabic | Powerful, strong There is also a companion named “Irbaaz bin Saria” |
عرفان Irfan | Arabic | deepest mystical awareness, gnosis, highest form of mystical experience discernment, wisdom, intuitive knowledge |
عروہ Urwah | Arabic | The edge of everything, lota etc. Shaft, handle |
عزیر Uzair | Uzair is the Prophet of God | |
عسار Asaar | Arabic | poverty, indigence |
عسجد Asjud | Arabic | Gold, silver and gemstones |
عصام Isaam | Arabic | Musk carrying strap |
عصیم Aseem | Arabic | Musk carrying strap |
عفیر Ufair | Arabic | Grey, name of a Sahabi |
عقبه Aqabah | Arabic | ascent, difficult hill-track, steep mountain or road |
عقبه Uqbah | Arabic | name of a Sahabi |
عقیل Aqeel | Arabic | wise, sagacious, learned |
عکرمه Ikrima | Arabic | a pigeon, a dove, The famous Sahabi Rasool |
علقمه Alqamah | Arabic | Bitterness Note: It is good to have the name “Muhammad al-Qamah”, “Alqamah” is among the names of the companions and followers, and no meaning is seen in the names of holy persons, only relatives are sufficient. |
علم الدین Alamuddeen | Arabic | Flag of Religion |
عماد الدین Imaduddeen | Arabic | A pillar of religion |
عمران Imran | Arabic | the name of Prophet Moses’s father and Mariya’s father name the name of Hazrat Ali’s father name, the name of Prophet Mohammed’s uncle population |
عمرو Amr | Arabic | Life |
عمید Ameed | Arabic | important personality, dignitary, leader Great people |
عمیر Umair | Arabic | Life |
عمیس Umais | Arabic | Severity, hardness, obliteration, darkness, hard fighting |
عنان Inaan | Arabic | rein, strap of bridle (metaphorically) control, governance |
عنانAnaan | Arabic | name of a Sahabi |
عنایت Inayat | Arabic | kindness, courtesy countenance, favour, aid, support gift, present |
عون Aun | Arabic | Help |
عویم Uwaim | Arabic | Year, Name of Sahabi |
عیاض Iyaaz | Arabic | Cutter, catcher Name of Sahabi |
عیسٰی Isa | Syriac/ Hebrew | The origin of the word Jesus is “Yeshua” or “Yeshua” which is a Syriac or Hebrew language word, it has three meanings: The 1 chief, 2 the savior, 3 the whiteness with the red over it. Name of great prophet |
عین الاسلام | Arabic | Fountain of Islam |
غالب Ghalib | Arabic | dominant, predominant, overcoming, overpowering higher, superior victorious |
غضنفر Ghuzanfar/ Gazanfar | Arabic | lion |
غفران Ghufran | Arabic | forgiveness, remission of sins, pardon, absolution, deliverance, salvation |
غمام Ghammam/ Gumaam | Arabic | a cloud (Medical) white membrane of eye |
غیاض Ghayaz/ Gayaaz | Arabic | imperfect, incomplete |
غیور Ghayoor/ Gayyoor | Arabic | having self-respect, high-minded, with keen sense of honour one with self respect an epithet of God |
فاخر Fakhir | Arabic | Proud, boaster, one who takes delight in boasting excellent, precious, remarkable |
فاران Faraan | Arabic | Name of a hill near Mecca |
فاروق Farooq | Arabic | one who distinguishes between right and wrong appellation of the second Rightly Guided Caliph, Hazrat Umar |
فاضل Fazil | Arabic | excellent, scholar extra, abundant excessive learned person, one accomplished in some academic discipline, accomplished |
فالق Faliq | Arabic | Extractor, opener |
فراز Faraz | Arabic | height, elevation, above, rise, ascendancy, ascent summit, top |
فراس Firas | Arabic | Intellect, intelligence |
فرحان Farhaan | Arabic | joyful, glad |
فرزدق Farazdaq | Arabic | loaf of the dough, Note: This word is Persian and its origin is Prazada |
فرقان Furqan | Arabic | anything that makes a separation or distinction between truth and falsity the Holy Qur’an |
فرقد Farqad | Arabic | the bright stars seen near the North Pole calf or young of a wild cow |
فرید Fareed | Arabic | singular, peerless, matchless, having no equal, incomparable |
فضل Fazl | Arabic | excellence, virtue learning, wisdom, bounty, grace, favour mercy, gift superior learning or knowledge, learning, wisdom excessive, increasing |
فضیل Fuzail | Arabic | Superiority, improvement, goodness, the name of a great saint and a perfect saint |
فھد Fahad | Arabic | the cheeta or hunting-panther, the ounce, the panther |
فہیم Faheem | Arabic | wise, intelligent, one who understands |
فواد Fuad | Arabic | Heart |
فیاض Fayyaz | Arabic | generous, liberal, munificent, beneficent |
فیروز Fairoz | Persian | victorious, successful auspicious, prosperous, fortunate, happy |
فیصل Faisal | Arabic | decided, settled, decree |
فیض Faiz | Arabic | grace, liberality, bounty, favour, good influence, plenty, grace Overflowing, abundance, plenty |
فیضان Faizan | Arabic | beneficence, favour, generosity, grace, good influence |
قاسم Qasim | Arabic | distributor, divider, one who distributes or allots, dividing, distributing, apportioning, allotting one of the holy names of Prophet Mohammed |
قتادہ Qatada | Arabic | Names of several Companions Thorny tree |
قتیبه Qutaibah | Arabic | camel cavity in which men sit on both sides a camel’s saddle a pair of dorsers or panniers (for a camel) A narrator of Bukhari and Muslim “Qutaiba bin Saeed Thaqafi” |
قدامہ Quddama | Arabic | Names of several Companions |
قذافی Qazzafi | Arabic | An ancient stone throwing weapon, Anything from which something is thrown away |
قسیم Qaseem | Arabic | co partner, partner, divided, share, handsome, beautiful one who distributes, distributor, coparcener, a person who shares equally |
قطب الدین Qutbuddeen | Arabic | the iron spindle of a millstone a centre round which anything revolves an axis the polar star, the north pole, The pivot of religion |
قعقاع Qaqa | Arabic | The sound of weapons, Chime |
قمر Qamar | Arabic | the moon (especially from the third night to the end of month) |
قنوان Qinwan | Arabic | bunch, cluster (of fruit, or dates), ear (of corn), spike (of plant) bunch (of grapes, etc.) |
قیس Qais | Arabic | To estimate, to measure, to conjecture, Majnun’s Real Name, lover of Laila, lover |
قیم Qayyim | Arabic | escort, a person who observes something attentively or regularly prophet muhammad’s qualitative name |
کاشف Kashif | Arabic | ( person) disclosing or revealing, expounder, explainer, revealer, detector, discoverer, explainer, expounder a book that explains or expounds terms or technical text(s) |
کاظم Kazim | Arabic | restraining anger, controlling rage the title of Imam Musa Raza bin Jafar Sadiq, appellation of a Shiite Imam |
کامران Kamran | Persian | successful in any undertaking, fortunate, successful, achieving one’s wish(es) |
کامن Kamin | Arabic | Concealed, invisible, hidden, Beautiful |
کبیر Kabir | Arabic | great, large, senior, magnate, immense |
کثیب Kaseeb/ Katheeb | Arabic | A sand dune |
کحیل Kaheel | Arabic | The eye where kohl/antimony/collyrium was applied |
کرز Kurz | Arabic | Companion’s Name, A shepherd’s bag in which he carries his food and supplies, a sack, a sack of grain |
کریب Kuraib | Arabic | The knot at the top of the stem from where the leaves emerge. The name of an English silk fine cloth Bamboo knot Troubled |
کشاف Kashaaf | Arabic | very clear or explicit a detector, discoverer, looser, solver, explainer. |
کعب Ka’ab | Arabic | A famous Companion’s Name, ankle-bone, talus, the ball of ankle-joint a die (for playing or gaming) a javelin’s helical handle |
کفایت Kafayat | Arabic | sufficiency, competency, adequate means, adequacy, enough abundance, plenty a surplus savings profit, advantage |
کفل Kifl | Arabic | Part Double The buttocks, generally of animals The buttocks (of a horse), haunches, rump, Crupper (of a horse), a kind of cloth used instead of a saddle |
کلیم Kaleem | Arabic | one who speaks to another, speaker, interlocutor title of prophet Moses |
کلیم اللہ Kaleemullah | Arabic | the one who speaks to God, i.e. Prophet Moses an epithet of Moses |
کوکب Kaukab | Arabic | star, constellation |
گل بار Gulbar | Persian | full of flowers, shedding flowers |
گل ریز Gulrez | Persian | shedding or showering flower |
گل زار Gulzaar | Persian | a bed ot roses, a garden a kind of calligraphy with flowery patterns flower-bed garden garden of roses garden, bed of roses garden, flower-bed, flower garden garden, garden of roses |
گل زیب Gulzeb | Persian | a kind of beautiful flower |
گل فام Gulfam | Persian | a kind of beautiful flower |
گوہر Gauhar | Persian | pearl, gem, jewel essence, quintessence hidden talent descent, origin sharpness of sword lustre of gem nature |
لئیق Lyeeq | Arabic | able, capable, competent, worthy |
لبیب Labeeb | Arabic | essence, wise, intelligent, judicious pure |
لبید Labeed | Arabic | Which shall be stored in luggage a famous Arabian poet |
لبیق Labeeq | Arabic | intelligent |
لطف اللہ Lutfullah | Arabic | God’s grace |
لقمان Luqman | Arabic | name of a certain wise man, by some said to have been a son of Job’s sister or aunt, bv others, to have been disciple of David by others, a judge in Israel, while others declare him to have been an emancipated Ethiopian slave, and author of the fables current under his name, a Biblical and Qur’anic character (supposed to be Aesop) to whom many fables are ascribed ( Metaphorically) intelligent, wise, experienced |
لوط Lut | Arabic | name of a prophet, whos community were indulge in sodomization, Prophet Lot tried to stop them, but they continued it and finally they faced the wrath of God |
لیاقت Liaqat | Arabic | suitability, merit proficiency, aptitude, worth propriety, fitness, suitableness congruence, congruity, consistency convenience, expediency adherence, connexion dignity, worth, merit skill, ability capability, capacity |
لیث Lais | Arabic | Lion |
ماجد Majid | Arabic | an attribute name of Almighty Allah, glorious, noble, exalted, high, glorious, honourable |
مالک Malik | Arabic | master, possessor, owner, landlord, lord A garland-maker, a gardener, florist, flower-gatherer A superior proprietor Lord of the territory or kingdom, a title addressed to sovereigns, princes, prime-ministers Imam Malik, the name of one of the four great Imams of Ahl-e-Sunnat jurisprudence, whose followers are called Maliki, followers of Maliki sect. |
مامون Mamoon | Arabic | rendered secure, safe, preserved, immune, fearless, secure Baghdad Caliph Haroon Rashid’s son |
مبارک Mubarak | Arabic | auspicious, blessed, lucky propitious, happy |
مبشر Mubashir | Arabic | bearer or announcer of good news |
مبین Mubeen | Arabic | clear, manifest, evident, narrated |
متین Mateen | Arabic | grave, serious strong, solid, firm, compact, solid |
مجتبٰی Mujtaba | Arabic | Collected, Chosen, Selected |
مجدد Mujaddid | Arabic | reformer, revivalist, renewer originator, one who has a new and striking idea, innovator (Religion) revivalist Sheikh Ahamad Sarhindi (1624-1564) was an Indian Islamic scholar, Hanafi jurist, and member of the Naqshbandi Sufi order |
محبوب Mahboob | Arabic | lover, beloved, sweetheart, lovey amiable, lovely, liked |
محتشم Muhtashim | Arabic | magnificent, glorious, lofty, pompous, respectable, powerful, grand |
محسن Mushin | Arabic | benefactor, obliging, generous, beneficent, helpful, sympathizer, standby benefactor, patron |
محصن Muhsin | Arabic | chaste, continent, preserved, guarded, married (man) |
محمد Muhammad | Arabic | Greatly (or highly) praised, the praised one Prophet Muhammad, the name of the Prophet of Islam, name of the Arabian prophet name of a Quranic surah, Al-Mohammad |
محمود Mahmud | Arabic | praised, eulogized, laudable, praiseworthy, commendable Mahmud of Ghazni, who attacked India several times |
محیص Mahees | Arabic | Shelter |
محیصہ Muhayyisa | Arabic | Companion’s Name |
مخدوم Makhdoom | Arabic | one who is served, waited on, respected person a master, lord |
مدثر Mudassir/ Mudaththir | Arabic | one who wraps himself in a shawl or sheet of cloth or cloak, a sura of the Qur’an, an appellation of Prophet Muhammad |
مرتضٰی Murtaza/ Murtadha | Arabic | a title of Hazrat Ali, the fourth rightly guided caliph and cousin of Prophet Muhammad liked, agreeable, approved |
مرثد Marsad/ Marthad | Arabic | Gentleman, Lion |
مرجان Marjan | Arabic | a hard substance formed in the sea from masses of shells of very small sea animals, usually orange or red in color, like rock, formed in the sea by groups of particular types of small animal, often used in jewellery, coral agate |
مرداس Mirdas | Arabic | The name of the companion is Mirdas bin Abi Mirdas road roller |
مرشد Murshid | Arabic | instructor, guide, spiritual guru mentor, Head of some religious or Sufi order |
مرغوب Marghoob/ Margoob | Arabic | attractive, favourite, preferred, pleasant desired desirable agreeable amiable lovely, beautiful estimable, excellent |
مروان Marwan | Arabic | Names of several Companions, flint stone |
مزمل Muzzammil | Arabic | wrapped in sheets, the one who covering himself with clothes one of the title of Prophet Mohammed |
مساور Musavir | Arabic | An assailant, a contender, one who holds the head in a fight |
مستطاب Mustatab | Arabic | chaste, pure, gracious pleasant, pleasing, good, excellent, agreeable, delectable, (often used for Prophet Mohammad and Ali ) |
مستنصر Mustansir | Arabic | seeking help |
مسطح Mistah | Arabic | Name of Sahabi, A place to teach palms |
مسعود Masood | Arabic | prosperous, fortunate, happy, blessed, propitious, favourable, august, auspicious |
مسیّب Musayyab | Arabic | To flow, to flow, to flow freely |
مشاہد Mushahid | Arabic | demonstrator, witness, observer, a person who looks at or inspects something |
مشرف Mushrif | Arabic | clerk or officer (in treasury) who authenticates accounts and writings, observer, examiner, inspector |
مشرف Musharraf | Arabic | to render high, exalted, or honourable, exalted, honoured, ennobled, rendered glorious ornamented (as a building with pinnacles, or turrets) |
مصباح Misbaah | Arabic | Lamp, lantern, light |
مصدق Musaddiq | Arabic | verifier, affirmer |
مصطفٰی Mustafa | Arabic | Collected, Chosen, Selected |
مصعب Musa’ab | Arabic | Name of Sahabi, Difficult |
مطیب Mutayyib | Arabic | Pure |
مطیع اللہ Muteeullah | Arabic | Obedient to Allah Almighty |
مظفر Muzaffar | Arabic | victorious, triumphant, successful |
مظہر Mazhar | Arabic | theater, stage argument, proof, sample, sign appearance, as it is, second, clear manifestation, phenomenon, manifestation, spectacle, view, |
معاذ Muaz | Arabic | Name of famous sahabi, safe place, secure place, shelter |
معاویه Muawia | Arabic | Name of Sahabi, shouter |
معتصم Mutasim | Arabic | abstaining, refraining holding fast (to God) |
معراج Miraj | Arabic | Prophet Muhammad’s ascension to the heavens, acme, heights, ascent, ladder, stairs |
معظم Muazzam | Arabic | more in all directions, large in area, vast, extensive honoured, respected, exalted, great |
معین Mueen | Arabic | assistant, helper, promoter helper, one of the names (based on the qualities) of God |
مغیرہ Mughirah/ Mugeerah | Arabic | Name of Sahabi, raider |
مقبول Maqbool | Arabic | chosen, received, beloved, popular, known, famous, accepted, admitted, pleasing, grateful |
مقداد Midaad | Arabic | Name of sahabi, A breaking tool |
مقصود Maqsood | Arabic | beloved intended, proposed intent, design, object, aim, view, target |
مقیم Muqeem | Arabic | resident, stationed, fixed, inhabitant greengrocer, wholesaler of fruits and vegetables resident |
مکتفی Muktafi | Arabic | having enough, satisfied, content, complete, perfect, significant |
مکتوم Maktoom | Arabic | hidden, concealed |
مکحول Makhool | Arabic | getting hardness after softness blindness given as punishment having eyes anointed with surma or kohl |
مکنون Maknoon | Arabic | hidden, concealed, secret, undercover intention, secret |
منتقٰی Muntaqa | Arabic | Collected, Chosen, Selected |
منذر Munzir | Arabic | Intimidating, warning, forewarning of future dangers, |
منصور Mansoor | Arabic | succoured, helped, triumphant, victorious he was eventually crucified and brutally tortured to death |
منضود Manzud/ Mandhood | Arabic | layered or layered and placed in order; piled up (stuff, things, etc.) |
منظور Manzoor | Arabic | chosen, approved of, accepted, granted, sanctioned, seen, sighted admired, liked intended |
منکدر Munkadir | Arabic | the one who is in hurry, fast, fast runner, fast walker, drawing (star) falling (star ) |
منھاج Minhaj | Arabic | curriculum modus operandi open or broad road, highway, straight road road, way, path |
منور Munawwar | Arabic | illuminated, bright, lighted, radiant, splendid, enlightened incandescent, light up, luminous, lustrous, brilliant |
منیب Muneeb | Arabic | one appointed to conduct a business deputy, vicegerent, agent, one appointed to conduct business, foreman one who turns to the right path |
منیر Munir | Arabic | brilliant, shiny, shining shining, bright |
منیع Manee | Arabic | stopper, removal strong, powerful, form, impregnable, inaccessible |
مھران Mihran | Arabic | a scholar, a king the River Atak, the river Indus and its adjoining area |
مھیمن Muhaimin | Arabic | true witness, the protector of fear and inferior fear, a characteristic name of God |
مہدی Mahdi | Arabic | guide, spiritual guide name of the twelfth Imam of Twelver Shiite sect |
مہذب Muhazzab | Arabic | good, sincere, upright, free from vice improved amended, corrected, refined (writings) polite adorned, trimmed (Metaphorically) influenced by West |
موسٰی Musa | Arabic | a razor, Prophet Moses |
میمون Maimoon | Arabic | fortunate, lucky, auspicious, propitious |
نابغه Nabigha/ Nabiga | Arabic | genius |
ناصح Nasih | Arabic | adviser, sincere friend or counsellor, faithful minister, preacher |
ناصر Nasir | Arabic | helper, ally, defender, support, assistant |
نثار Nisar/ Nithar | Arabic | Devoted, sacrificing one’s life |
نجم Najm | Arabic | a star, a planet prediction from observations of the stars, calculation of nativity, a horoscope fortune (Botany) any plant without a stalk or trunk, as grass white pearl |
نجم الہدى Najmul Huda | Arabic | guiding star, The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). |
نجیب Najeeb | Arabic | noble, generous, gentle |
ندیم Nadeem | Arabic | pot-companion, boon-companion intimate friend, familiar, confidant privy counsellor courtier |
نذیر Nazeer | Arabic | one who warns, one who warns of the bad consequences |
نصر اللہ Nasrulla | Arabic | God’s help |
نصیر Naseer | Arabic | defender, assistant, ally, helper helper, friend, ally |
نعمان Numan | Arabic | A fragrant flower that is red in color, The famous Sahabi Noman bin Basheer, famous Imam Abu Hanifa |
نعیم Nayeem | Arabic | one of the seven sections of paradise, benefits, good, pleasure, luxury |
نقاش Naqqash | Arabic | a painter;drawer, liner, draughtsman, designer, embroidered, glider (of books), carver, engraver, sculptor, statuary |
نقی Naqi | Arabic | excellent, of the finest quality pure, clean pure, clean, excellent |
نقیب Naqeeb | Arabic | an attendant who proclaims the title of his master and announces visitors, chief, leader, herald, intelligent person, proclaimer |
نمر Namir | Arabic | panther, leopard, |
نمیر Numair | Arabic | Clear and colorless water, panther, leopard |
نہال Nihaal | Arabic | pleased, happy, prosperous, exalted, raised from obscurity or poverty, flourishing, thriving sapling, bud, young plant, shoot |
نوازش Nawazish | Persian | courtesy, politeness, favour, kindness, patronage |
نواس Nuwas | Arabic | Cobwebs hanging from the ceiling |
نواس Nawwas | Arabic | A loose-fitting man |
نوح Nuh | Arabic | the patriarch or Prophet Noah ( Metaphorically) mourning a deceased relative, plaint, moan, lamenting, complaining, moaning |
نور Noor | Arabic | eyesight, light, splendour, luminosity, virtue, name of a sum of the Quran, Prophet Muhammad |
نورس Nauras | Arabic | newly-mellow fruit nine emotions young fresh tender fresh (fruit), recent tender young |
نوید Naved | Persian | good news, happy news, Invitation to a wedding |
نیر Nayyar | Arabic | sun shining luminary, illuminating, bright |
ہارون Haroon | Arabic | messenger, a diplomatic minister of the highest rank, accredited as permanent representative to another country or sovereign, ambassador, patron Noun, MasculineProphet Aaron, brother of Prophet Moses chief, leader a refractory horse helplessness, indigence astonishment; amazement |
ہاشم Hashim | Arabic | (Textual) who breaks bread into broth appellation of great-grandfather of Prophet Muhammad, surname of an ancestor of Muhammad, on account of his doing so for the benefit of the poor at the time of a great famine |
هشام Hisham | Arabic | generous, generous heart |
هلال Hilal | Arabic | crescent moon, the new moon, the crescent, defective, incomplete (metaphorically) lovers eyebrows or nail rising crescent is symbol of Islam or Muslims (metaphorically) half, incomplete, a happy occasion |
همام Hammam | Arabic | firm intention, determination, Great courage |
همام Humam | Arabic | Brave, generous, chief |
همایوں Hamayun | Arabic | auspicious, fortunate, lucky fortunate, lucky (metaphorical) august, auspicious |
هود Hood | Arabic | eleventh sura of the Qur’an, Prophet Hud, sent to the Aad tribe |
هیثم Haisam | Arabic | Soft sand dune, Eagle, |
واثق Wasiq/ Wathiq | Arabic | strong, robust, firm, secure, binding, obligatory |
وارث Waris | Arabic | heir, legatee master, lord, owner, successor, inheritor, master, lord, supporter |
واسع Waase | Arabic | capacious, wide, roomy ample this as an attribute of God |
واصف Wasif | Arabic | extoller, eulogist |
واصل Wasil | Arabic | arrived, joined, connected, attached, couple, one who meets, connected together one who is admitted to or enjoys the company of the beloved the beloved |
واضح Wazeh/ Wadheh | Arabic | evident, manifest, obvious, clear, apparent |
واعظ Wayiz | Arabic | preacher, humility, advisor, admonisher, exhorter |
واعی Waayi | Arabic | Inspector, watcher, rememberer |
وافى Waafi | Arabic | adequate, enough, sufficient, plentiful, abundant entire, complete honourable sincere many |
واقد Waqid | Arabic | A fire-kindler, an illuminator |
وامق Wamiq | Arabic | loving, enamoured, lover, friend |
Arabic | ||
وثیق Waseeq/ Watheeq | Arabic | firm, steady, strong |
وجیه Wajeeh | Arabic | dignified, respectful handsome, graceful, of commanding personality strong suitable, appropriate, becoming of a noble presence, respectable good-looking, comely specious |
وجه القمر Wajhul Qamar | Arabic | The face of the moon |
واحد wahid | Arabic | single person, individual, unique person, unrivaled, incomparable, nonpareil, singular a characteristic name of God |
وحید Waheed | Arabic | single person, individual, unique person, unrivaled, incomparable, nonpareil, singular a characteristic name of God |
وسیم Waseem | Arabic | handsome, comely |
وشیق Washeeq | Arabic | Gentle speed |
ياسر Yasir | Arabic | Name of Sahabi |
يامين Yameen | Arabic | Name of Sahabi |
ياسين Yaseen | Arabic | Yaseen is one of the names of the Prophet Muhammad and his title |
یَحْییٰ Yahya | Arabic | alive St. John the Baptist, he is also known as John the Forerunner in Christianity, John the Immerser in some Baptist Christian traditions and Prophet Yahya in Islam, sometimes alternatively referred to as John the Baptizer |
یَعْقُوب Yaqoob | Hebrew | Jacob the apostle, the forefather of Israel, Prophet Jacob Father of Prophet Joseph |
یُوسُف Yousuf | Arabic | Prophet Joseph |
يونس Yunus | Arabic | Jonah, apostle said to have been swallowed by a fish who later vomited him out alive |
List of Women Names With Meaning
Names | Language | Meaning |
آبلُوچ Aabloch | Persian | white sugar, twice refined sugar, double refined candy, crystallized sugar, candy |
آرزو Aarzoo | Persian | wish, desire, longing, appetency, eagerness, yearning, want request, entreaty |
آزفه Azifa | Arabic | Coming up soon |
آسيه Aasiah | Arabic/ Persian | (Arabic) name of Pharaoh’s wife who was the foster mother of Prophet Moses (Persian) shocked, appalled, angry, upset, distraught |
آفریدہ Aafridah | Persian | begotten, created, constructed, made, devised, produced, brought forth |
آفریں Afreen | Persian | praise, laudation, commendation, acclamation, term of praise like well done/ bravo |
آلفه Aalifa | Arabic | kind, compassionate, friendly |
آمنه Amina | Arabic | This was the name of the Prophet Muhammad’s mother, who died when he was in childhood. Satisfied, secure, fearless |
آنسه Aanisah | Arabic | Miss, the title prefixed to the name of an unmarried woman Young, kind-hearted, eloquent |
آئله Ayla Aila | Hebrew/ Turkish | Halo of light around the moon, moonlight,Halo, with the moon, oak tree |
أثيله Aseela/ Atheela | Arabic | unmixed, pure, high-born, of noble blood, of good stock or lineage |
أديه Adeeba | Arabic | Polite |
أريبه Ariba | Arabic | Wise, insightful, sensible |
أريكه Arika | Arabic | The beautiful throne |
أزكى Azka | Arabic | Pure or purest |
أسماء Asmaa | Arabic | Daughter of Abu Bakr, the first caliph of the Muslims. great, sign |
أسوه Uswa | Arabic | a leader, an ideal, a problem solver, model, example, emulation |
ئاشتی Ashti/ Asti | Kurdish | Peace, tranquility |
أشنه Ushna | Persian | A kind of fragrant moss |
أفراح Afraah | Arabic | joys, mirths, celebrations |
افروزہ Afroza | Persian | Burning, kindling, illuminating , Sokhta, wick, A lamp or candle thread |
افشاں Afshan | Persian | Strewing, dispersion, scattering, sprinkling, shedding |
أفق Ufuq | Arabic | Horizon, tract or region of the earth world |
أقصى Aqsa | Arabic | boundaries, confines, limits, far-off places name of the mosque at Jerusalem |
ألفة Ulfat | Arabic | love, affection, friendship, intimacy, familiarity, attachment, kindness |
ألما Alma | Kazakh | Apple |
الماس Almaas | Persian | Diamond |
المس Almus | Spanish | The soul |
اَمْبَر Ambar | Urdu/ Sanskrit/ Persian | perfume, sky, cloud, atmosphere |
أم كلثوم Umme Kalsum/ Kuthoom | Arabic | beautiful full of flesh about the face and cheeks name of the third daughter of Prophet Muhammad |
أمّاره Ammara | Arabic | the one who follow his desires, domineering |
أميمه Umaima | Arabic | intention |
أمينه Ameena | Arabic | trustee, guardian, trustworthy, faithful |
أنابيه Anabia/ Anabiya | Arabic | Musk, or a certain type of musk-like fragrance Note: Many websites falsely claim that this is a word found in the Quran. The accurate Quranic word is أناب (anaba) meaning “to turn”, with the implied meaning “to repent and return to Allah”. |
أنجم Anjum | Arabic | Stars |
أنيسه Aneesa | Arabic | the one who loves, associate, companion, comrade |
أنيقه Aniqa | Arabic | fine, nice, unique, strange خوشنما، عجیب وغریب، نہایت خوب |
إيلاف Iilaaf | Arabic | Mutual love and affection باہمی پیار و محبت |
أيمن Aiman | Arabic | auspicious, fortunate, happiest right, right side, on the right hand safe, protected, secure safe, secure, happy, void of care |
بابره Babra | Sanskrit/ Urdu/ Persian | (Sanskrit) kind of grass used for making twisted rope or string, name of a sweet, (Persain. Urdu) The lioness |
بازله Bazilah | Arabic | benevolent, philanthropic, (one) donating money |
بارزه Bariza | Arabic | apparent, manifest, coming forth |
بارقه Bariqah | Arabic | bright, shining, twinkling |
بازغه Bazigha/ Baziga | Arabic | Bright |
باسله Basilah | Arabic | Brave, heroic, valiant |
باسمه Basimah | Arabic | one who makes others smile |
باسطه Basitah | Arabic | the giver of prosperity |
باصره Basirah | Arabic | sight, the sense or faculty of seeing |
بتول Batool | Arabic | a pure and chaste woman, a nun, usually applied to Mary, chaste woman devoted to God, title of Hazrat Fatima and Prophet Muhammad’s youngest daughter a virgin, averse from marriage and worldly concerns from religious motives, a vestal, recluse, hermit |
بديعه Badee’ah | Arabic | a branch of knowledge dealing with qualities of literary writings, innovator, inventor, novel, rare, extraordinary, wonderful |
بديله Badila | Arabic | exchange, substitution, recompense, compensation, reward return, retaliation, revenge |
بديهة Badiha | Arabic | Clear, manifest, obvious, evident |
بريعه Baria | Arabic | The expert |
بريقه Bariqa | Arabic | Bright |
بسيمه Basima | Arabic | smiling, cheerful |
بركه Barakh | Arabic | Blessing, Excess, growth, good fortune |
بشرى Bushra | Arabic | face, visage, countenance, good news |
بلقيس Bilqees | Arabic | The Queen of Saba (Modern historians identify Sheba with the South Arabian kingdom of Saba in present-day Yemen) who was later became the wife of Prophet Suleiman |
بونیتا Bonita/ bə-NEE-tə | Spanish/ Latin | Pretty, Beautiful, nice, Good |
بهجت Bahjat | Arabic | happiness, joy, gladness, delight, pleasure, cheerfulness, alacrity beauty, goodliness, grace, excellence, brightness, splendour |
بهجة Bahjah | Arabic | Happiness, beauty |
بهية Bahiyyah | Arabic | pleasant to sight, beautiful, pretty shine, bright |
بيضاء Baiza/ Baidha | Arabic | shining, bright white clear, clean, pure, spotless fair woman |
بے نَظِیر Benazeer | Arabic/ Persian | matchless, incomparable, unparalleled, unequalled, unique, peerless |
پروین Parveen | Sanskrit/ Hindi/ Persian | clever, intelligent, skilful, knowing, excellent cluster of small stars, Pleiades, a cluster of stars in Taurus |
پری گل Parigul | Persian/ Uzbek | Fairy flower, Row of flowers |
پَری وَش Pariwash | Persian | angel faced, beautiful, fairy-like, elfin, exquisitely beautiful |
تابعه Tabi’ah | Arabic | obedient, subservient, subordinate, attendant, subject to, dependent upon, loyal, submissive, amenable |
تابندہ Tabinda | Persian | bright, luminous, sparkling, shining |
تائبه Taibah | Arabic | penitent, repentant, abstinence, abstinent person |
تابِیدَہ Tabida | Persian | shining, bright, twisted, complicated |
تحریم Tahrim | Arabic | forbidding, prohibition glorification, honour, reverence |
تسليمه Tasleema | Arabic | Conceding, acknowledging, granting;assenting to, accepting |
تسنيم Tasnim | Arabic | a fountain of Paradise |
تشميم Tashmeem | Arabic | To smell |
تمنا Tamanna | Arabic | Desire, longing |
تمثيله Tamsila/ Tamthila | Arabic | likening, comparing |
تنزيله Tanzila | Arabic | causing to alight, sending down |
تنعيم Tan’eem | Arabic | bringing up in ease and affluence, pampering |
تقيه Taqiyyah | Arabic | fear (of God), piety, hiding one’s faith |
تنقيه Tanqiyah | Arabic | cleaning, catharsis, clearing out |
ثانيه Sania/ Thania | Arabic | a second, a moment, the sixtieth part of a minute, moment |
ثاقبه Saqibah/ Thaqibah | Arabic | shining brightly, glittering, glistening one that brightens or illuminates |
ثروت Sarwat/ Tharwat | Arabic | much or a great quantity (of property), wealth, affluence a great number, a multitude power, authority, influence |
ثريا Surayya/ Thurayya | Arabic | name of a star, the Pleiades, earrings |
ثمره Samra/ Thamra | Arabic | result, gain, reward, Awad, reward, punishment, Benefit, enjoyment |
ثمرين Samreen/ Thamreen | Arabic | Fruity, fertile |
ثمينه Samina/ Thameena | Arabic | costly, valuable, precious |
ثميره Sameera/ Thameera | Arabic | Fruity, fertile |
ثنا Sana/ Thana | Arabic | praise (especially for God) applause, eulogy, commendation, salutation |
ثوبيه Saubiya | Arabic | Awad, reward |
جاثره Jasira/ Jathira | Arabic | brave, courageous, heroic |
جاذبه Jaziba | Arabic | absorbent, attractive, alluring |
جازمه Jazima | Arabic | firm, solid,silencing or satisfying (answer) |
جازبه Jaziah | Arabic | Giver of reward and punishment |
جبین Jabeen | Persian | the forehead |
جذوه Jazwa | Arabic | Flame |
جزيله Jazila | Arabic | Reward |
جليده Jalida | Arabic | Strong, brave |
جليله Jalilah | Arabic | great, glorious, illustrious, powerful, mighty |
جمانه Jumana | Arabic | Gem, pearl |
جميمه Jemima | Hebrew | Dove, lucky, the oldest of the three daughters of Job in the Old Testament |
جميله Jamila | Arabic | beautiful women |
جويريه Jawairia | Arabic | The name of the Holy Prophet Muhammad’s wife, A lively and young girl |
حاذقه Haziqah | Arabic | Accomplished, skilled, clever. (feminine of Haziq) |
حاسبه Hasibah | Arabic | Accountant, auditor, The enumerator |
حافظه Hafiza | Arabic | A guardian, protectress |
حامده Hamida | Arabic | one who praises, Appreciative, grateful |
حاميه Hamia | Arabic | protectress, supporter |
حبيبه Habiba | Arabic | friend, companion |
حديقه Hadiqa | Arabic | walled garden, orchard |
حريم Hareem | Arabic | sacred place the sacred area in Makkah and Medina |
حريره Harirah | Arabic | Sweet caudle, a dish of sugar, milk, almonds, spices and flour, A piece of silk cloth |
حسّانه Hassana | Arabic | Beautiful |
حسناء Hasna | Arabic | Beautiful |
حسنات Hasanaat | Arabic | The virtues |
حسنه Hasana | Arabic | Goodness, goodness |
حسنى Husna | Arabic | Good, excellent, great |
حسيبه Haseeba | Arabic | honourable, respectable, accountant, calculator, great |
حفاله Hufala | Arabic | Flock of birds |
حفصه Hafsa | Arabic | “Hafsa” is the name of the famous Sahabia, the wife of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and the daughter of Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA) Brave girl |
حفيظه Hafeeza | Arabic | The protector |
حليفه Haleefa | Arabic | a confederate, associate, ally one bound to another by an oath, sworn friend, friend, comrade |
حليمه Halima | Arabic | gentle, mild-mannered lady, allusion to foster mother of Prophet Muhammad |
حمامه Hamama | Arabic | Dove, beautiful |
حمديه Hamdia | Arabic | Admirable |
حمراء Hamra | Arabic | Red |
حمساء Hamsa | Arabic | brave |
حمنه Hamna | Arabic | “Hamna” is the name of a Sahabia who was the sister of Hazrat Zainab the wife of the Prophet Muhamamd Beautiful, red grapes |
حميده Hameeda | Arabic | praiseworthy, liable, worth admiring |
حميراء Humaira | Arabic | The title of Hazrat Aisha, Red |
حميزه Hameeza | Arabic | Very smart, witty and cheerful |
حميله Hameela | Arabic | Guarantor, Sword Squad |
حميمه Hamima | Arabic | Close friend |
حنا Hina | Arabic | henna, a tropical shrub yielding reddish dye that is used to colour the hands, feet and hair |
حنيفه Hanifa | Arabic | One professing the religion of Abraham an orthodox Muslim unshaken in his religious profession |
حوريه Horiya | Arabic | paradise’s women with beautiful big eyes |
حور العين Hooruleen | Arabic | beautiful eyed, paradise’s women with beautiful big eyes |
حيا Haya | Arabic | modesty, shyness, bashfulness, shyness |
خاشعه Khashiah | Arabic | subservient, servile, humble |
خالده Khalida | Arabic | Eternal, ever-living, ever-young |
خانم Khanum | Turkish | lady, woman of rank, princess, wife, madam |
خديجه Khadija | Arabic | name of Muhammad’s first wife |
خلد بریں Khuld Bareen | Arabic/ Persian | the heaven above |
خليده Khaleeda | Arabic | Eternal, ever-living, ever-young |
خليطه Khaleeta | Arabic | partner, co-partner |
خليله Khaleelah | Arabic | friend, true friend, true or sincere friend |
خندہ گل Khanda Gul | Persian | opening of a bud, often analogized as its smiling |
خنساء Khansa | Arabic | “Khansa” is the title of one of the Sahabia, whose name was “Tumazar/ Tumadhar” Khansaa means: Nile Cow |
خوباں Khuban | Persian | the fair, fair ones, beauties, the fair sex, sweetheart, beloved |
خوشبو Khushbu | Persian | sweet smell, perfume, fragrance, scent, aroma |
خورشیدہ Khursheeda | Persian | Sun, bright |
خوشنودہ Khushnuda | Persian | happy, pleased, delighted |
خوله Khaulah | Arabic | Gift, names of many women companions |
دانيه Dania | Arabic | Close, Nearest |
دجانه Dujana | Arabic | The cloud shadow |
در فشاں Dur Fashan | Persian | Scattered pearls |
در مکنون Durre Maknoon | Arabic/ Persian | hidden pearl |
درخشاں Darakhshan | Persian | shining, brilliant, resplendent, glittering, flashing |
دردانہ Durdana | Arabic/ Persian | pearl, single pearl, unique child |
دلربا Dilruba | Persian | bewitching, alluring, heart stealing, one who steals heart |
دمیدہ Damida | Persian | bloomed, opened out, blossomed |
ديبا Deeba | Arabic | fine silk fabric, silk brocade, a sort of silken texture of high price |
ذاكره Zakirah | Arabic | a female who mentions or relates, the faculty of memory |
ذريره Zarirah | Arabic | A kind of fragrance |
ذكيه Zakiyya | Arabic | sharp, acute, proper name |
ذهيبه Zahina | Arabic | Intelligent Wise/woman |
رائعه Raia’h | Arabic | Charming, excellent |
رائقه Raiqah | Arabic | Lovely, cheerful, wonderful |
رابحه Rabiha | Arabic | Profitable, successful |
رابيه Rabia | Arabic | Tough, strong |
راجيه Rajia | Arabic | Optimistic |
راحه Rahat | Arabic | rest, repose, comfort, peace, tranquillity |
راحله Rahila | Arabic | traveller |
راحمه Raahimah | Arabic | merciful, compassionate |
راسخه Rasikha | Arabic | Firm, strong |
راسيه Rasia | Arabic | strong |
راشده Rashida | Arabic | taking or following a right way or course, holding a right belief, orthodox pious, faithful one who takes or follows a right way one who is directed aright |
راضيه Razia/ Radhia | Arabic | happy, satisfied |
راعيه Raeyah | Arabic | one who watches over, one who keeps guard, watcher, keeper نگراں، محافظ |
رافعه Rafia | Arabic | high, elevated, exalted, lofty, eminent, sublime, glorious, noble |
رباب Rubab | Arabic | a kind of stringed musical instrument, rebec, viol, harp |
ربيبه Rabiba | Arabic | stepdaughter, a daughter of one’s husband or wife by a previous marriage |
رحيله Rahila | Arabic | The traveler |
رحيمه Raheemah | Arabic | merciful, compassionate |
رخسانه Rukhsana/ Roxana/ Rhoxane | English, Spanish, Romanian, Ancient Greek Persian | Bright, shining This was the name of Alexander the Great’s first wife, a daughter of the Bactrian nobleman Oxyartes. In the modern era it came into use during the 17th century. In the English-speaking world it was popularized by Daniel Defoe, who used it in his novel Roxana (1724). |
رخشندہ Rakhshinda | Persian | bright, dazzling, flashing |
رخيمه Rakheema | Arabic | bright, dazzling, flashing |
رزميه Razmiya | Arabic | Soft-voiced, delicate |
رشدى Rushda | Arabic | following the right course, holding the right beliefs, well-guided, maturity of intellect |
رشيده Rasheeda | Arabic | trained, educated, nutritional dutiful, pious, righteous, orthodox, guided in the right way, follower of the right path obedient, the one who obey the order or preaches, the one who provide wises, a characteristic name of God brave, courageous |
رشيقه Rashiqa | Arabic | Good, suitable, excellent Pure and sophisticated |
رضوانه Rizwana/ Ridhwana | Arabic | complacency, satisfaction, state of being pleased, keeper, or guardian of Paradise, God’s pleasure, good offices |
رضيه Razia/ Radhia | Arabic | appreciative, the work of appreciation, pleased, agreed |
رغيبه Ragheeba/ Rageeba | Arabic | Favorite |
رفاهت Rafahat | Arabic | happiness, peace, comfort, well-being |
رفعت Rifa’t | Arabic | dignity, eminence, illustriousness, nobility, exaltation, promotion height, peak, elevation, altitude |
رفيده Rafida | Arabic | A rod or all the rods that are joined together to form a building structure |
رفيده Rufaida | Arabic | Small sticks or all the small sticks that are joined together to form a building structure |
رفيعه Rafeea’h | Arabic | high, elevated, exalted, lofty, eminent, sublime, glorious, noble |
رفيقه Rafeeqah | Arabic | friend, associate |
رقيبه Raqeebah | Arabic | one who watches over, one who keeps guard, watcher, keeper |
رقيقه Ruqaiqa | Arabic | softhearted |
رقيمه Raqima | Arabic | letter, epistle, note |
رقيه Ruqayya | Arabic | The name of the daughter of the Prophet, Muhammad, the name of several Sahabiyat Development, progress, advancement |
رمثاء Ramsa/ Ramtha | Arabic | The land in which the bitter grass called Ramth grows |
رميثاء Rumaisa/ Rumaitha | Arabic | The land in which the little bitter grass called Rahmath grows |
رمشاء Ramsha | Arabic | Bouquet, bouquet of flowers |
رمنا Ramna | Sanskrit | Pleasure/sport/dalliance, courtyard |
رميشه Ramisha | Arabic | A bunch of flowers |
رميشه Rumaisha | Arabic | A little bunch of flowers |
رواء Ruwaa | Arabic | beauty, splendour, prettiness, freshness, beauty, elegance, adornment |
روبین Rubeen | Persian | Face watcher |
روبینہ Rubina | Portuguese/ Italian | Derived from Portuguese rubi or Italian rubino meaning “ruby”, ultimately from Latin ruber “red”. Simply from the name of the precious stone (which ultimately derives from Latin ruber “red”), which is the traditional birthstone of July. It came into use as a given name in the 16th century |
روبینہ Rubina | Hindi | Faucet, water faucet |
روبیہ Rubiya | Portuguese/ Italian | name of the precious stone (which ultimately derived from Latin rubber “red”) |
روقه Rouqah | Arabic | Attractive beauty |
روقه Rooqah | Arabic | Very handsome, Very beautiful |
روبي Rubi/ Ruby | Portuguese/ Italian | precious stone |
ريحانه Raihana | Arabic, Indonesian, Malay, Filipino, Maranao | Perfume, tulsi or nazbu (an aromatic plant that produces black seeds, its flowers and leaves are very fragrant) |
ريطه Reeta | Arabic | The names of the women Sahabiyat |
زارا Zara | Arabic/ Hebrew | The correct pronunciation of “Zara” in Arabic language is “Zahrah”, its meaning in Arabic language is flower, bud, rose, later it was changed to “Zara” in English language. “Princess” or “Blooming flower” |
زاهده Zahida | Arabic | hermit, devotee, abstinent religious devout, monk, ascetic, recluse religious, devout, abstinent, ascetic |
زاهرا Zahirah | Arabic | Bright, shining |
زائره Zaaira | Arabic | A visitor woman of a holy place |
زبانه Zubana | Persian | tongue of flame |
زبده Zubdah | Arabic | selected, chosen, best butter, cream, milk froth the best of anything |
زبيده Zubaida | Arabic | Name of Haroon al-Rashid’s wife, Chosen,selected, chosen, butter, cream, milk froth |
زخرفه Zakhrafah | Arabic | a painting of flowers, painting or embroidering flowers, The art of painting, decorating, adorned, decorated, embellished |
زر فشاں Zar Fishan | Persian | gold scattering, spraying, shiny |
زرقاء Zarqaa | Arabic | The blue |
زرقه Zurqah | Arabic | Blueness, bluish color |
زرگوں Zargoon | Persian | Golden |
زرينه Zarina | Persian | golden stuff, golden, made of gold, sparkling, a golden vessel, a soup made of bread-crumbs golden |
زعيمة Zaeemah | Arabic | accountable, guarantor, prominent personality, leader, chief, |
زكيه Zakiyyah | Arabic | a chaste woman, an intelligent woman |
زلفى Zulfa | Arabic | nearness, propinquity, approximation, approach |
زمهرير Zamharir | Arabic | winter season, intense cold |
زنجبيل Zanjabil | Arabic | ginger, dry-ginger |
زنيره Zinnira | Arabic | Name Of Sahabiyah, A thoughtful and thoughtful woman |
زنيره Zunnaira | Arabic | Small stones |
زهراء Zahra | Arabic | appellation of Hazrat Fatima, the daughter of Prophet Muhammad bright, luminous, white, beauteous |
زهره Zuhra | Persian | the planet Venus spirit, pluck, courage, boldness |
زهيره Zuhaira | Arabic | Small flower, bud |
زوبيه Zubia | Arabic | Silently running and slipping away |
زيبه Zubyah | Arabic | A high place where water cannot rise, a high embankment of a building |
زوفا Zoofa | Arabic | A type of plant whose flowers and leaves are used to make syrup or medicine etc |
زويا Zoya | Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Bulgarian | “life” in Greek Language. From early times it was adopted by Hellenized Jews as a translation of Eve. It was borne by two early Christian saints, one martyred under Emperor Hadrian, the other martyred under Diocletian. The name was common in the Byzantine Empire, being borne by a ruling empress of the 11th century. As an English name, Zoe (sometimes with a diaeresis as Zoë) has only been in use since the 19th century. It has generally been more common among Eastern Christians (in various spellings). |
زيبا Zeba | Arabic | adorning, becoming, befitting, beautiful arranged, fit, proper elegant, graceful |
زينب Zainab | Arabic | Generous and fragrant This is one of the names of the Sahabiyat, the name of one of Prophet Muhammad’s daughter and two of his wives. |
زينت Zeenat | Arabic | beauty, elegance, grace, ornament, decoration, ornature, embellishment, splendor, dignity |
سائره Saira | Arabic | itinerant |
سائحه Sa’iha | Arabic | one who fasts or observes Lent, fasting person, a traveller, pilgrim |
ساجده Sajida | Arabic | Prostrate in adoration, —one who prostrates himself in adoration or prayer, an adorer, |
ساره Sarah/ Sara | Hebrew/ Arabic | Means “lady, princess, noblewoman” in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is the name of Abraham’s wife, considered the matriarch of the Jewish people. She was barren until she unexpectedly became pregnant with Isaac at the age of 90. Her name was originally Sarai, but God changed it at the same time Abraham’s name was changed (see Genesis 17:15). |
ساعده Saa’ida | Arabic | assistant, helper |
سالكه Salikah | Arabic | one who goes along, going, travelling, traveller, mystic, Sufi, a devotee (of the mystic path ) |
سالمه Salimah | Arabic | Safe, pure, clean |
سانيه Sania/ Saniyah | Arabic | A camel carrying water from a well |
ساهره Sahira | Arabic | Awake, alert, careful |
سبد گل Sabde Gul | Persian | basket of flowers, the gardener’s flowers basket |
سبره Sabrah | Arabic | Cold morning |
سبيعه Subaia’h | Arabic | Name of Sahabiyah, The seventh |
سبيكه Sabika/ Sabikah | Arabic | Silver, gold, or metal molded into a shape |
سجيعه Sajee’a/ Sajeeah | Arabic | Straight walker A camel making a sound in masti Fit and proper face A well-built face |
سحر Sahr | Arabic | time a little before day-break; day-break, dawn of day |
سحرش Sahrash | Arabic | Like the morning |
سدره Sidrah | Arabic | berry or lote-tree, name of a tree in Paradise |
سعدى Su’ada | Arabic | fortunate, august, auspicious, blessed, happy qualified, mannerly, virtuous |
سعوده Suodah | Arabic | good luck, good fortune |
سعديه Sa’dia | Arabic | fortunate, august, auspicious, blessed, happy |
سعيده Saeedah | Arabic | fortunate, august, auspicious, blessed, happy |
سفانه Suffanah | Arabic | The pearl |
سفيره Safirah | Arabic | Female Ambassador |
سفينه Safinah | Arabic | Boat, vessel, ship |
سکیزہ Sikizah | Persian | To leap, to jump |
سكينه Sakinah | Arabic | quieted, tranquility, peace dignity, honour, prestige |
سلامه Salama | Arabic | Safe, secure |
سلطانه Sultanah | Arabic | queen, and empress |
سلمى Salma | Arabic | beloved, delicate woman |
سلوى Salwa | Arabic | quail, honey |
سلوه Sulwah | Arabic | Spring of life, consolatory |
سليمه Salima | Arabic | Safe, secure |
سمره Samra | Arabic | wheat-coloured |
سميعه Samia | Arabic | Listener |
سميكه Sumaika | Arabic | small fish |
سميه Samiyyah | Arabic | same name, high, elevated, exalted |
سميه Sumaiyyah | Arabic | name of many Sahabiyat high, elevated, exalted |
سنا Sana | Arabic | The brightness, shine |
سنبل Sumbul | Arabic | a plant of sweet odour, a type of fragrant plant |
سندس Sundus | Arabic | brocade, a fine silk cloth, thin, or fine silk brocade a rich silk, satin |
سهله Sahla | Arabic | Convenience and ease |
سهيله Suhaila | Arabic | Convenience and ease |
سهيمه Suhaima | Arabic | partner |
سوده Sawda | Arabic | palm-tree garden This was the name of a wife of the Prophet Muhammad. She was said to have lived for a time in Abyssinia (modern Ethiopia and Eritrea). |
سويه Sawiyyah | Arabic | Equality, moderation, justice |
سيما Seema | Arabic/ Sanskrit | forehead, face, visage, countenance, limit, extremity, boundary, mark, sign |
سينين Sineen | Arabic | The Holy Mountain |
شائستہ Shaistah | Persian | polite, gentle, well-bred, refined, decent, courteous, meek, |
شائینہ Shaina | Yiddish/ German | Beautiful |
شاذيه Shazia | Arabic | Rare, strange |
شازيه Shazia | Arabic | Elevated, exalted |
شارقه Shariqa | Arabic | bright object, Sunlight |
شافعه Shafiah, Shafia | Arabic | Recommender |
شاكره Shakira | Arabic | Thankful woman |
شاهده Shahida | Arabic | female witness |
شاهيه Shahiya | Arabic | desire, aspiration, wish, will |
شبانه Shabana | Persian | nightly, nocturnal, related to night |
شبنم Shabnam | Arabic/ Persian | dew, a kind of fine white cloth |
شبره Shabrah | Arabic | gift, present, endowment, grant, assignment |
شرفه Shurfah | Arabic | special raised platform or dais to seat royalty or important guests, Porch |
شفا Shafa | Arabic | the edge |
شفا Shifa | Arabic | Health |
شفق Shafaq | Arabic | evening twilight, colours of the sky between sunset and nightfall, redness in the horizon at sunset redness of cheeks or lips affection, kindness |
شفيعه Shafeeah | Arabic | one who recommends, advocate, intercessor, mediator, possessor of the right of pre-emption |
شفيقه Shafiqah | Arabic | compassionate, affectionate, merciful, a kind friend, gracious |
شقيره Shaqeera | Arabic | Reddish |
شقيقه Shaqiqa | Arabic | real sister that terrain of the earth that is in the middle of two areas of the desert migraine, one side of the head, temple |
شکیبہ Shakiba | Persian | Patience, endurance |
شكيله Shakila | Arabic | Beautiful |
شگفتہ Shagufta | Persian | bloomed, flourishing, blooming, cheerful, happy, interesting |
شمامه Shammama | Arabic | fragrance, sweet scent, an aromatic paste, small sweet-smelling lozenge, pastille |
شمائله Shamaila | Arabic | Good habits |
شمسه Shamsa | Arabic | Sun |
شمع Shama | Arabic | candle, lamp |
شميله Shumaila | Arabic | Good habit, Well-mannered |
شميم Shamim | Arabic | aroma, fragrance, perfume, scent, odour, scent |
شهلا Shahla | Arabic | having a tinge of blue or gray or red or green in the black (of the eye) having dark gray eyes with a shade of red a kind of flower (which poets, often compare with the eyes of beautiful women) a black eye inclined to red a woman with such eyes |
شَہْناز Shanaaz | Persian | bride, beautiful |
شهيم Shahim | Arabic | alert, subservient, watchful, wise, clever |
شیریں Shireen | Persian | sweet pleasant, gentle lover, beloved Shirin, the wife of Iran’s king and beloved of Farhad |
شیلا Shaila | Sanskrit | A solid mountain, a stone mound, a rock |
شيمه Shima | Arabic | Nature, temperament, habit |
صابره Sabira | Arabic | A patient woman |
صاحبه Sahibah | Arabic | Friend, owner, ruler, manager |
صادقه Sadiqah | Arabic | A truthful woman |
صافيه Saafiah | Arabic | Clean, pure, dustless, unadulterated |
صالحه Saleha | Arabic | chaste and pious (woman) |
صائبه Saaibah | Arabic | just, right, rightful, true, real, actual, correct, justified |
صائمه Saaima | Arabic | Fasting person |
صائنه Saainah | Arabic | one of the security personnel, protector, defender, curator, watchman |
صبا Saba | Arabic | the east wind, or an easterly wind a gentle and pleasant breeze the morning breeze |
صباح Sabaah | Arabic | daybreak, dawn, early morning, morning fair-complexioned and beautiful |
صباحت Sabahat | Arabic | fair complexion, brightness of face ( Metaphorically) beauty, comeliness, gracefulness, elegance, loveliness |
صبيحه Sabiha | Arabic | fair-complexioned, of good complexion, bright, or fair of face ( Metaphorically) beautiful, handsome, comely, graceful, elegant |
صخره Sakhrah | Arabic | The rock |
صدف Sadaf | Arabic | the mother-of-pearl shell, mother-of-pearl, an oyster-shell a kind of goblet which is very similar to oyster shell |
صديقه Siddiqah | Arabic | A truthful woman |
صغيره Saghira/ Sageerah | Arabic | Small |
صفراء Safra | Arabic | Golden, yellowish |
صفوه Safwah | Arabic | The purest thing, the chosen and the favorite |
صفيحه Safiha | Arabic | The surface of the oblong object, the layer of glorification |
صفيه Safiyyah | Arabic | chosen lady, The name of one of the wives of the Holy Prophet Muhamamd |
صنوبر Sanoobar | Arabic | the pine-tree, fir juniper, a cone-bearing tree |
صوبيه Sowaibah | Arabic | True and right |
صوفيه Soofiyah | Arabic | A pure woman, a worshipful woman |
ضباعه Zuba’ah | Arabic | Fast speed |
ضحى Zuha/ Dhuha | Arabic | a verse or chapter of the Holy Quran going forth into the sun, apricating, to sunbathe or bask in the sun part of the day between sunrise and mid-day |
ضمره Zamrah/ Dhamrah | Arabic | Lean, agile, light |
ضميره Zamira/ Dhameerah | Arabic | Secret |
ضميمه Zamima/ Dhamimah | Arabic | addition, addendum, appendix, prelims, supplement, special edition of a newspaper or magazine |
طارفه Tarifah | Arabic | Eye, a tentacle with raised edges |
طالعه Taleah | Arabic | Coming out, appearing |
طاهره Tahirah | Arabic | a nick-name of Fatima the daughter of Prophet Mohammad pure |
طبيبه Tabibah | Arabic | Doctor, nurse |
طريره Tarira | Arabic | Gorgeous, beautiful |
طريفه Tarifah | Arabic | New and nice thing, gift, joke |
طلعت Talat | Arabic | appearance, countenance, face, aspect, visage |
طلعه Tal’ah | Arabic | Face, appearance, piece of palm bunch |
طله Tallah | Arabic | Dew-drenched earth, fragrance, soothing |
طليقه Taliqah | Arabic | Cheerful, free, unrestrained |
طوبى Tubah | Arabic | joy, happiness, good news, holy, fragrant, sweet, name of a tree in Paradise delightful, good, excellent |
طيبه Taibah | Arabic | another name for the city of Madina virtuous (woman), clean, immaculate |
طيبه Tayyibah | Arabic | virtuous (woman), clean, immaculate |
ظافره Zafirah | Arabic | victorious |
ظاهره Zahirah | Arabic | obvious, evident, manifest, scene, outward or material shape, form |
ظبيه Zabyah | Arabic | The deer |
ظفيره Zafeerah | Arabic | Successful, victorious |
ظفرين Zafreen | Arabic | Successful |
ظله Zullah | Arabic | The awning |
ظليله Zaleelah | Arabic | Shady, offering shelter |
ظهيره Zaheerah | Arabic | Supporter, ally, associate mid day, noon |
عابده Aabidah | Arabic | Worshipful woman, pious woman |
عادله Aadilah | Arabic | one who acts equitably or justly, one whose testimony is trustworthy |
عائشه Aaisha | Arabic | name of the daughter of Abu Bakr, and favourite wife of Muhammad prosperous, enjoying life |
عاتقه Atiqa | Arabic | To be old, to be noble, to be sophisticated and noble To be freed |
عاتكه Atikah | Arabic | Aunty of the Prophet Muhammad, The name of several Sahabiyat Noble caste Pure red |
عارفه Arifah | Arabic | The knower |
عازمه Aazimah | Arabic | intending, determined, being resolved |
عاصفه Aasifa | Arabic | gust of wind, storm |
عاصمه Asima | Arabic | protector, guardian, guard (metaphorically) chaste, virtuous, saver from sins |
عاطفه Aatifah | Arabic | Merciful, Compassionate, Reconciling |
عافيه Afiah | Arabic | The pardoner, Forgiver |
عاقبه Aqiba | Arabic | trailing behind, last |
عاقله Aqila | Arabic | wise Woman sage, Woman of intelligence or understanding, intelligent, wise, sensible |
عاكفه Aakifa | Arabic | a woman who is bound, committed, restrained |
عاليه Alia | Arabic | elevated, eminent, exalted, grand, noble, sublime, lofty, high, honorable, respected, venerable |
عامره Amira | Arabic | flourishing, plentiful, royal |
عتيقه Ateeqa | Arabic | To be old, to be noble, to be sophisticated and noble To be freed |
عجيله Ajeela | Arabic | Hasty |
عديله Adeela | Arabic | one who dispenses justice, justice the like or equal (of a thing), alike equivalent, equal just, equitable a counterbalancing load in quantity or weight equal to a load on one side of a horse or camel |
عذراء Azra | Arabic | beloved, virgin title of Mary (mother of Jesus) The title of Hazrat Fatima Zahra daughter of prophet Muhammad |
عذوبه Uzooba | Arabic | sweetness, the quality of being sweet, pleasantness |
عروبه Arubah | Arabic | old name for Friday |
عربا Urduba | Arabic | Lover of her husband immensely loving to her husband |
عروج Urooj | Arabic | becoming high, climbing up, ascending, (a ladder, specially of a star ) pinnacle, height zenith, climax success, ascension, elevation, exaltation, rising |
عريج Areej | Arabic | pinnacle, height, zenith, climax |
عزوه Izwa | Arabic | Attribution, relativity |
عزيمت Azimat | Arabic | resolution, determination, undertaking |
عزيمه Azeema | Arabic | Strong intention courage A work that is strongly intended The work that must be done |
عشبه Ushba | Arabic | sarsaparilla, dried rhizomes or tropical plants from which these rhizomes are obtained |
عشرت Ishrat | Arabic | enjoyment, mirth, pleasure, comfort, joy, happiness, delight |
عشوه Ishwah | Arabic | coquetry, amorous playfulness |
عاصمه Aasimah | Arabic | Protector, saver |
عصيمه Usaima | Arabic | Safe |
عطاء Ata | Arabic | gift, present, endowment, grant, assignment |
عاضده Aadhidah/ Aazidah | Arabic | Helper, supporter |
عاطره Aatirah | Arabic | Fragrant |
عطوف Atoof | Arabic | Very compassionate and kind |
عطيه Atiyyah | Arabic | gift, present, endowment, grant, assignment |
عظمى Uzma | Arabic | great, supreme the greatest |
عظيمه Azeemah | Arabic | great, supreme the greatest |
عفت Iffat | Arabic | chastity, purity, virtue, virtuousness, abstinence, decency, modesty |
عفراء Afra | Arabic | White earth The thirteenth night of the lunar month The top layer of soil Afraa bint Ubaid bin Thaalba Al-Ansariyyah was a companion of the Messenger of Allah Muhamamd |
عفيره Ufairah | Arabic | Gray color Ufairah bint Waqid, a worshiper in Basrah ( City in Iraq) |
عفيفه Afifah | Arabic | chaste, virgin woman |
عقيله Aqila | Arabic | sage, wise, rational |
علبه Ulba | Arabic | A basket, a vessel with handles |
عليا Ulya | Arabic | elevated, eminent, exalted, grand, noble, sublime, lofty, high, honorable, respected, venerable |
عليقه Aleeqah | Arabic | Relation, attachment, bond |
عمره Amrah | Arabic | Amrah bint Rawaha is a famous Sahabia A turban placed on the head, and a hat, etc The distance between the beads of the necklace Gold bead necklace making needle |
عميره Umaira | Arabic | A small population, a small town |
عميقه Amiqa | Arabic | Deep |
عناق Inaaq | Arabic | Hug, meeting, love |
عنب Inab | Arabic | Grape |
عنبر Ambar | Arabic | ambergris |
عنبرين Ambarin | Arabic | a kind of pigeon, a kind of stone, a kind of apple or melon smelling of ambergris, sweet-smelling, having the colour or odour of ambergris |
عنبري Ambari | Arabic | a kind of pigeon, a kind of stone, a kind of apple or melon smelling of ambergris, sweet-smelling, having the colour or odour of ambergris |
عنبرينه Anbarina | Arabic | Amber fragrance |
عندليب Andaleeb | Arabic | nightingale, bulbul, small migratory bird noted for its melodious songs, often at night |
عنزه Anazah | Arabic | A spear, a goat |
عنقوده Unquda | Arabic | Bunch |
عنم Anam | Arabic | A tree of the Saudi Arabia, the fruit of which is red in color and is likened to a hennaed finger. |
عشبه Ishah | Arabic | Life |
غاده Ghaadah/ Gaadah | Arabic | Soft and fragile girl, refreshing tree |
غايه Ghadiah/ Gadiyah | Arabic | The morning rain |
غازيه Ghaziah/ Gaziah | Arabic/ Turkish | War Champion, Hero, Conqueror |
غافره Ghafirah/ Gafirah | Arabic | Forgiving |
غالبه Ghalibah/ Galibah | Arabic | Dominant, mighty, powerful |
غانمه Ghanimah/ Ganimah | Arabic | A gainer of booty, a gainer |
غانيه Ghaniah/ Ganiah | Arabic | A handsome figure woman who does not need adornments, comfortable and satisfied with her husband |
غايه Ghayah/ Gayah | Arabic | Extremity, purpose, end |
غزاره Ghazara/ Gazara | Arabic | abundance, plurality, plethora |
غزاله Ghazala/ Gazalah | Arabic | Deer |
غزوه Ghizwah/ Gizwah | Arabic | Desired thing |
غمامه Ghamamah/ Gamamah | Arabic | Cloud |
فاتحه Fatiha | Arabic | Conqueror, the beginning of any thing |
فارحه Faariha | Arabic | Full of happiness |
فارهة Faariha | Arabic | Beautiful young girl |
فاخره Fakhira | Arabic | excellent, costly, magnificent |
فارعه Faariah | Arabic | The highest part of the mountain |
فاضله Fazilah/ Fadhilah | Arabic | excellent, scholar extra, abundant excessive learned person, one accomplished in some academic discipline, accomplished |
فاطمه Fatimah | Arabic | a woman who does not breastfeed her kid, a woman who avoid breastfeed after to year to her kid Fatima-daughter of Prophet Mohammad |
فاكهة Fakiha | Arabic | Dry fruit, fruit |
فائزه Faaizah | Arabic | acquiring, attaining, obtaining, reaching |
فائضه Faaidha/ Faaizah | Arabic | beneficent, generous |
فائقه Faiqah | Arabic | superior, excellent, surpassing;paramount;preferable |
فتحه Fut’ha | Arabic | expansion, openness, spaciousness |
فتيله Fatila | Arabic | twisted thing, A thick wick that is used in lamps, fireworks, stoves, etc |
فخامه Fakhama | Arabic | Magnificence, majesty, Greatness, splendor |
فراست Firasat | Arabic | wisdom, sagacity, insight, acuteness of mind, shrewdness, discernment, perception or discernment of (one’s) internal or intrinsic condition for character, & c. by outward indications, physiognomy |
فرحانه Farhana | Arabic | glad, joyful |
فرحت Farhat | Arabic | pleasure, delight, cheerfulness, joy |
فرحين Farheen | Arabic | Happy |
فرخانه Farkhana | Arabic | wide, broad, vast |
فرخندہ Farkhanda | Persian | happy, auspicious, fortunate, prosperous |
فردا Farda | Persian | upcoming day, tomorrow |
فردوس Firdaus | Arabic | paradise, garden, garden of Eden |
فرزانه Farzanah | Persian | wise, intelligent, sagacious, brilliant |
فردسه Fardasah | Arabic | Ampleness, spaciousness |
فروه Farwah | Arabic | Wealthy, Wealth |
فريحه Fariha | Arabic | pleasure, delight, cheerfulness, joy |
فريده Farida | Arabic | singular, peerless, matchless, having no equal, incomparable |
فريضه Fariza/ Faridha | Arabic | divine precept or command, duty like: Namaz, liability, responsibility, obligation |
فسيحه Faseeha | Arabic | Wide, spacious |
فصيحه Fasiha | Arabic | a word or phrase that has eloquence, elegant, polished (language), eloquent chaste, pure, or sweet (a word, or expression, or speech), perspicuous, clear, polished (language), eloquent, fluent (of speech) |
فضاله Fuzalah/ Fudhalah | Arabic | Knowledgeable, knowledgeable More, increased, increased, redundant more than necessary |
فضه Fizza/ Fidhdhah | Arabic | Silver |
فضيله Fazeelat/ Fadheelah | Arabic | eminence, greatness, mastery superior excellence, superiority excellent quality, excellence virtue, perfection superior attainments or knowledge, learning high academic attainment |
فغمه Faghmah/ Fagmah | Arabic | Smell of perfume |
فقيهةFaqiha | Arabic | islamic jurist, one well versed in religious laws, a theologian |
فكيهة Fakiha | Arabic | well-behaved, good-tempered, of pleasing manners, cheerful |
فلجه Fuljah | Arabic | Success, achievement of purpose |
فلذه Filza | Arabic | a piece of (one’s) liver or heart, a darling child, my darling |
فهميده Fahmidah | Persian | understood, intelligent, wise, prudent |
فهيره Faheerah | Arabic | stone, grinding stone for medicine |
فهيمه Fahimah | Arabic | wise, intelligent, one who understands |
فورزيه Fauziah | Arabic | acquiring, attaining, obtaining, reaching |
فيروزه Firozah | Persian | Turquoise |
قارئه Qari’ah | Arabic | worshipping, worshipper, votary, one who offers prayers, a reciter |
قاسمه Qasimah | Arabic | The distributor |
قاصده Qasidah | Arabic | the one who intends or wills, aim binder, messenger, envoy, courier, emissary |
قانته Qanitah | Arabic | Obedient |
قانعه Qaniah | Arabic | Contented, satisfied |
قدسيه Qudsia | Arabic | Like angels, pure; A pure woman, having holy attributes |
قره Qurrah | Arabic | coldness, temperateness, comfort, light |
قرة العين Qurratul ain | Arabic | it is a plant that grows in stagnant water coolness of eye, the eye sight, i.e. son or daughter coolness of the eye, something pleasant to look at, cheerfulness, joy, a beloved object daughter or son |
قطيفه Qatifah | Arabic | velvet |
قميره Qumaira | Arabic | small moon |
قنديل Qindeel | Arabic | stars, branched, candlestick, candle, lamp, lantern |
قنعه Qin’ah | Arabic | High position |
قوامه Qiwamah | Arabic | Management, responsibility, sponsorship |
قويمه Qaweemah | Arabic | elegant stature, tall height, Straight, upright |
قيصره Qaisarah | Arabic | empress |
كاشفه Kashifah | Arabic | ( person) disclosing or revealing, expounder, explainer, revealer, detector, discoverer, explainer, expounder a book that explains or expounds terms or technical text(s) |
كاظمه Kazimah | Arabic | one who controls his/her anger and doesn’t act on it |
كامله Kamila | Arabic | thorough, experienced, accomplished perfect, mature, proficient, entire, expert, skilled person, skillful full, entire, complete, a master |
كبشه Kabshah | Arabic | Name of several sahabiyat A large spoon for eating curry or food from the cauldron Skimmer |
كثمه Kusmah/ Kuthma | Arabic | Bouquet |
كحيله Kahilah | Arabic | The eye where kohl/antimony/collyrium was applied |
كحلاء | Arabic | eye filled with kohl, eyes stained with kohl, Very dark-eyed, |
كحيله Kahilah | Arabic | The eye where kohl/antimony/collyrium was applied |
کرن Kiran | Sanskrit | ray, beam, gleam, flicker, twinkle, glitter tasselled lace of gold or silver |
كريمه Kareemah | Arabic | The name of many Companions, a generous woman, honorable, kind |
كشماله Kashmala | Pashto | Necklace, flower necklace, basilica flower |
كعيبه Kuaibah | Arabic | High |
كفيله Kafilah | Arabic | one who supports, one who takes the surety or guarantee, a person who stands as surety, a security, bail, pledge |
کلیمہ Kaleema | Arabic | engaged in conversation, conversing together |
كمامه Kimaama | Arabic | Cover of The bud, A cover of palm Bunch |
کنول Kanwal | Sanskrit | lotus, heart, a lotus-shaped lampshade, the lotus flower |
كنيز Kaniz | Persian | maidservant, handmaid, slavey (female) devotee slave-girl to say and write about one self out of modesty |
كوثر Kausar/ Kauthar | Arabic | Name of a fountain or river in Paradise the name of a sura in the Qur’an |
كوثري Kausari/ Kauthari | Arabic | Heavenly |
كوكبه Kaukabah | Arabic | cavalcade, procession glory and splendour group (of people), crowd, party, company star made of gold, silver, etc., worn as insignia of rank |
کومل Komal | Sanskrit | delicate, soft, tender, fluffy soft, tender, delicate, mild unripe, immature, fragile |
كيسه Kayyisah | Arabic | Ingenious, intelligent, clever, intelligent, understanding |
گل رخ Gul Rukh | Persian | rosy-faced or rosy-cheeked ( Figurative) beautiful, handsome |
گلِ رعنا Gule Ra’naa | Arabic/ Persian | a rose which is red inside and yellow outside ( Metaphorically) a graceful beauty, beloved, sweetheart |
گل فشاں Gul Fishan | Persian | (Metaphorically) eloquent sprinkling flowers a small bottle or any utensil that using to put flowers and wine a kind of fireworks |
گلنار Gulnar | Persian | pomegranate flower scarlet colour, scarlet |
گُلِ نارَس Gule Naras | Persian | a bud yet to bloom into a flower |
لامعه Lameyah | Arabic | Shining, bright |
لائبه Laiba | Arabic | Thirsty girl The thirsty girl who wandered around the water and could not reach the water Note: it is not a good name for naming a baby girl |
لبابه Lubabah | Arabic | Essence, gist, mind, brain, wise, Pure |
لبنى Lubna | Arabic | name of a Sahabia, milky colour |
لبيبه Labiba | Arabic | Essence, gist, mind, brain, wise, Pure |
لبيقه Labiqa | Arabic | Smart, clever, cheerful |
لطفه Latafah | Arabic | present, gift |
لطيفه Lateefa | Arabic | Kind, gentle, cheerful |
لطيمه Latima | Arabic | A box of musk |
لفيفه Lafifa | Arabic | wrapped, folded, involute collected promiscuously from all parts complex |
لمعات Lamaat | Arabic | lights, shining, glaring |
لميس Lamees | Arabic | thin, delicate |
لوزينه Lozeena | Persian | sweet dish having almond as the main ingredient |
لئيقه Lyeeqah | Arabic | able, capable, competent, worthy |
ليلى Laila | Arabic | name of the beloved of legendary Arab lover Qais sweetheart , mistress, the epithet of the celebrated beloved of Majnuu.n (Qais) known to have dark complexion black as night |
لينه Lina | Arabic | Stem of a date palm tree, soft, gentle, mild, easy, smooth |
مائده Maidah | Arabic | table or tablecloth served with food, victuals, diet name of a chapter of Holy Quran |
ماجده Majidah | Arabic | conspicuous for honour, or nobility, honourable, Generous, excellent, noble and honorable |
مادحه Maadiha | Arabic | one who praises |
مازيه Maziya | Arabic | Virtue, excellence, preeminence, grace and kindness |
ماهره Mahirah | Arabic | Experienced, skilled |
ماه رو Maahru | Persian | having a face as beautiful as the, moon |
ماه مبين Mahe Mubin | Arabic | Bright moon, shining moon |
ماها Maha | Arabic | (if Maha derived from Arabic) loud laughter, burst of laughter, guffaw Weakness Note: Then it is not a good name (if Maha derived from Persian) Moon Note: Then it is a good name |
ماوى Mawa | Arabic | abode, habitation, place of resort,ferment, leaven, source, origin, substance habitation, abode, dwelling, resort, shelter |
مباركه Mubaraka | Arabic | Blessed |
محسنه Muhsina | Arabic | beneficent woman |
محصنه Muhsanah | Arabic | Chaste |
محموده Mahmuda | Arabic | praised, eulogized, commended, spoken well of (lady ) liked |
مخدومه Makhduma | Arabic | one who is served-female |
مديحه Madeeha | Arabic | that for which praise is given, a praiseworthy or laudable action, praised one, praiseworthy, admirable praiser, eulogist praise, applause |
مديره Mudirah | Arabic | female editor |
مرجانه Marjana | Arabic | sea from masses of shells of very small sea animals, usually orange or red in color, like rock, formed in the sea by groups of particular types of small animal, often used in jewellery, coral agate |
مرضيه Marziyyah/ Mardhiyyah | Arabic | Favorite, interesting |
مرغوبه Marghuba/ Magoobah | Arabic | One who is attracted to, favorite, charming |
مرينه Marina | Arabic | marino is actually the name of a type of mountain ram, a type of woolen cloth made from marino sheep wool marina |
مزنه Muznah | Arabic | A cloud full of water, a one-time rain |
مسرت Masarrat | Arabic | pleasure, joy, cheerfulness, rapture, delight, gladness, happiness |
مشاهده Mushahida | Arabic | demonstrator, witness, observer, a person who looks at or inspects something |
مشعل Mashal | Arabic | lamp, mussal, torch, flambeau, brand |
مشيده Mushaiadah | Arabic | Strong |
مصباح Misbaah | Arabic | lamp, lantern, light |
مصفوفه Masfufa | Arabic | lined up |
مصفى Musaffa | Arabic | clarified, pure, clean, pure |
مطيعه Muteeah | Arabic | Submissive woman, Obedient woman |
معصومه Maasumah | Arabic | Innocent |
معظمه Muazzamah | Arabic | venerable, glorious, extolled, glorified, great, honored, magnificent, exalted, august |
مفتاح Miftaah | Arabic | Key |
مفضالہ Mifzalah | Arabic | Most gracious, most benevolent |
مقدس Muqaddas | Arabic | The pious woman |
مقصوده Maqsudah | Arabic | beloved, intended, proposed, intent, design, object, aim, view, target |
مكتومه Maktumah | Arabic | Hidden, concealed |
ملاطفه Mulatafah | Arabic | courtesy, politeness, favour, letter, correspondence |
مكنونه Maknoona | Arabic | hidden, veiled |
مليحه Maliha | Arabic | Charming woman, Attractive woman |
ممتاز Mumtaz | Arabic | exalted, distinguished, illustrious, eminent, pre-eminent, unique, name of Mughal Empress (Shah-Jahan’s wife ) |
ممدوحه Mamduha | Arabic | The woman who is praised |
منال Manal | Arabic | destination |
منزه Munazzah | Arabic | pure, spotless, blameless, kept apart, free from defects, exempt from impurity |
منعام Min’aam | Arabic | the one who give blessing |
منقبت Manqabat | Arabic | anything in which a man glories or which confers on him pre-eminence, glory ability accomplishment; praise |
منيبه Muniba | Arabic | one appointed to conduct a business proxy deputy, vicegerent, agent, one appointed to conduct business, foreman one who turns to the right path |
منيحه Maniha | Arabic | Donation, gift |
منيفه Muneefa | Arabic | Beautiful woman |
مهرين Mahreen | Persian | having a face as beautiful as the, Sun |
مهيره Maheera | Arabic | The woman whose marriage portion or gift (Mahr) has been fixed more |
مهر النساء Mahrunnisa | Arabic/ Persian | The sun of women |
مهر جبیں Mahr Jabeen | Persian | whose forehead is as bright as the sun, beautiful, beloved |
مهك Mahak | Hindi | Fragrance, odour, scent, smell, flavour |
مَہ وَش مهوش Mahwash | Persian | Beautiful as moon, moon-faced |
منى Muna | Arabic | Wish, desir |
منا Muna | Hopi | spring |
ميمونه Maimunah | Arabic | Prophet Mohammed’s wife name, who was the daughter of Alharis of Hawazin tribe and sister of Hazrat Abbas kinship good luck, fortunate, blessed |
نائله Nailah | Arabic | Obtainer, Recipient |
ناجيه Najiah | Arabic | Saved |
نادره Nadirah | Arabic | any strange or unique thing, uncommon, unique, precious, outstanding, exceptional |
ناز Naaz | Persian | coquetry, amorous playfulness, feigned disdain, dalliance, elegance, gracefulness pride, grace |
نازيه Naziah | Persian | coquetry, amorous playfulness, feigned disdain, dalliance, elegance, gracefulness pride, grace |
ناصحه Nasiha | Arabic | Admonishing, pure |
ناصره Nasira | Arabic | helper, ally, defender, support, assistant |
ناصفه Nasifa | Arabic | The way to go water in the valley The greenery of the valley |
ناصيه Nasiah | Arabic | forehead, forelock over the head, appearance, preface, foreword forelock over the head (Metaphorically) forehead upper part of the front |
ناضره Nazirah/ Nadhirah | Arabic | Fresh |
ناظره Nazirah | Arabic | the eye, sight, vision related to vision, related to the act of vision, reading through vision reading, studying (in opposite to repeating by heart ) |
ناعمه Naa’ima | Arabic | A woman with a delicate body brought up in grace and grace |
نافعه Nafe’ah | Arabic | Beneficial, Profitable نفع بخش |
ناهيد Naheed | Persian | the planet Venus, the goddess of beauty and love |
نباله Nabala | Arabic | Nobleness, nobility, intelligence, greatness and dignity |
نبيشه Nabisha | Arabic | Soil extracted from the well, deep |
نبيله Nabilah | Arabic | beautiful, exalted, superior, prominent, wise |
نجمه Najma | Arabic | Star |
نجوى Najwa | Arabic | whispering, talking quietly through your ears, secret talk, the one who tells secretes and trustworthy |
نجيبه Najeeba | Arabic | high ancestry, lineage, noble, intelligent |
نحله Nihla | Arabic | tip, gift, grant, sent, donation, gratuity, reward;beneficence, pardon, forgiveness, liberality, generosity |
نخبه Nukhba | Arabic | selected, chosen, collected |
نديمه Nadeema | Arabic | A companion, associate, comrade, friend, ally |
ندرت Nudrat | Arabic | uniqueness, oddness, singularity, rareness, novelty |
نزهت Nuzhat | Arabic | freshness, verdure pleasure, cheerfulness, delight pureness, innocence, chastity, purity adornment |
نسرين Nasreen | Arabic | a wild rose, the jonquil, a kind of white wild rose |
نشره Nashra | Arabic | Slow wind |
نصرت Nusrat | Arabic | help, support, assistance, efficient aid, victory |
نصيره Naseera | Arabic | defender, assistant, ally, helper, helper, friend, ally |
نضره Nazrah/ Nadhrah | Arabic | Freshness |
نطيسه Natisa | Arabic | Thoughtful in matters, understanding of matter, experts and smart |
نعماء Nama | Arabic | Comfort, wealth |
نعمه Nu’mah | Arabic | coldness, temperateness, comfort, light |
نعيمه Naeemah | Arabic | benefits, good, pleasure, luxury |
نفحت Nafhat | Arabic | Aroma, fragrance, pleasant smell |
نفيسه Nafisa | Arabic | A precious thing, a subtle thing Sophisticated woman |
نقيبه Naqeeba | Arabic | chief, leader, herald, intelligent person |
نقره Nuqrah | Persian | silver Silver (esp. after it has been melted), coin (of silver or gold), money, white colour, or cream-colour (in horses) silver coin |
نكهت Nakhat | Arabic | fragrance, perfume, odour, scent |
نمره Namra | Arabic | name of a place in Arafat near Mecca spotted like a leopard a dappled cloud a kind of cloak marked with black and white lines a woollen Arabian garment of different stripes |
نميره Numaira | Arabic | Clean and pure as water |
نميقه Namiqa | Arabic | letter, epistle, writing |
نورين Nureen | Arabic | Bright, shining |
نوشابه Naushabah | Persian | the name of a queen who, according to a tradition, was rescued by Alexander the Great from Russia water of life |
نوشين Nausheen | Persian | agreeable, pleasant, honey-like, sweet |
نوعه No’ah | Arabic | Fresh fruit |
نويده Naveeda | Persian | good news, happy news |
نويره Nuwairah | Arabic | A small fire, a small ember, a white flower called a spring flower |
نويله Nuwailah | Arabic | Name of Sahabia |
نيلم Neelam | Persian Sanskrit | A blue gemstone, ruby |
نيلوفر Nilofar | Persian | a lotus like blue flower, Nymphaea lotus, lotus, water lily, nenuphar |
نيقه Neeqah | Arabic | refinement, nicety, exquisiteness, purity |
نيله Nailah | Arabic | acquiring, acquisition, obtaining, attainment, achievement |
واجده Wajidah | Arabic | The recipient |
واثقه Wasiqah/ Wathiqa | Arabic | strong, reliable |
وادعه Wada’ah | Arabic | Modesty and dignity, humility and tolerance, humility and tranquility, gentleness, seriousness |
وارثه Warisa | Arabic | Successor, inheritor |
واصله Wasila | Arabic | Connector |
واعظه Wa’izah | Arabic | Adviser, preacher, compassionate |
واعيه Wa’iyah | Arabic | Intelligent, conscious, understanding |
واقده Waqida | Arabic | A fire-kindler, an illuminator |
واقيه Waqiyah | Arabic | Protective |
واهبه Wahiba | Arabic | a giver, a bestower liberal, generous, munificent |
وثيقه Waseeqah/ Watheeqah | Arabic | affidavit, document, faith, bound, obligation, confidence, firmness, stipend, allowance, contract, any legal document |
وجيهةWajeeha | Arabic | Influential, talented, handsome |
وحيده Waheeda | Arabic | single person, individual, unique person, unrivaled, incomparable, nonpareil, singular |
وديفه Wadeefa | Arabic | Lush garden, Green garden |
ورده Wardah | Arabic | Rose |
ورديه Wardiyyah | Arabic | A rose garden |
وسيمه Waseema | Arabic | handsome, comely |
وقيعه Waqeea’h | Arabic | Honourable, valued and respected |
وكيعه Wakeea | Arabic | Strong |
وليجه Waleeja | Arabic | Close friend |
وليه Williah | Arabic | friend, guardian, helper, lord, master, prince, heir |
وليده Waleeda | Arabic | A minor girl |
وميضه Wameezah/ Wameedha | Arabic | Shine |
هاجر Hajira | Arabic | name of the wife of Prophet Abraham and mother of Prophet Ismail, Hagar the mother of Ismail traveling woman, refugee women, migrant woman |
هاديه Hadia | Arabic | a director, leader, guide, director, head of religious order, leader, guide, mentor |
هاني Haani | Arabic | Joyful, cheerful, happy |
هما Huma | Persian | a bird of happy omen in Persian mythology a bird of happy omen, Phoenix, a fabulous bird phoenix |
ياسمين Yasmin | Arabic | Jasmine |
يسرى Yusra | Arabic | wealth, ease |
یسما Yousma | Turkish | Beautiful, Pretty |
يمنى Yumna | Arabic | The right hand, the cause of blessing |
يمينه Yaminah | Arabic | Blessed, right side |


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