Introduction Surah Al Dhar
In terms of order, this surah comes at number 76. It was also revealed in Mecca in the early period. It has two bows and 31 verses.
In this Surah, Man and Dahar are specifically described in detail. Man’s end will be according to his actions.
Then the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was informed about three things.
1. The truth of the Qur’an is that it is indeed the word of God. Convince people of this.
2. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has been instructed by Allah that no matter how many difficulties he has to face in the propagation of Islam. Work with patience.
3. For the purity of the soul, make night worship your motto. Because the nightly wakefulness creates firmness and strength in the will.
Then at the end, while informing the human being of his helplessness, compulsion and weakness, the benefit of Allah’s service has been told, the need and purpose so that the servant can attain the place of Paradise under the shadow of Allah’s mercy and avoid the punishment of Hellfire.

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