Surah Tariq Last 3 Ayat

Surah Tariq Last Ayat, Surah Tariq Last 3 Ayat

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Surah Tariq Last 3 Ayat In Arabic

إِنَّهُمْ يَكِيدُونَ كَيْدًا ﴿15﴾ وَأَكِيدُ كَيْدًا ﴿16﴾ فَمَهِّلِ الْكَافِرِينَ أَمْهِلْهُمْ رُوَيْدًا ﴿17﴾

Surah Tariq Last 3 Ayat Transliteration

(15) Innahum yakeedoona kaidaa

(16) Wa akeedu kaidaa

(17) Famahhilil kaafireena amhilhum ruwaidaa

Surah Tariq Last 3 Ayat Translation

(15) They are devising plans,

(16) and I Am devising plans.

(17) So leave the disbelievers alone at the moment; give them respite for a while.

Surah Tariq Last 3 Ayat Explanation

That is, these disbelievers are devising every kind of plan to defeat the invitation of the Qur’an; they wish to blow out this candle; they are creating aII sorts of doubts In the people’s minds: they are inventing false accusations against the Prophet who has brought it, so as to frustrate his mission in the world and perpetuate the darkness of ignorance and unbelief which hr is struggling so hard to remove.

So respite, O Muhammad (s) , the disbelievers; grant them respite ([ reiterated as ] an emphasis, one enhanced by the use of a different form [ mahhil, amhil ]) , that is to say, put them off, for a little (ruwayda is a verbal noun emphasising the import of the operator, and is the diminutive form of rud or irwad, with shortening of final consonant [ ruwaydan, ruwayda ]) . Surely enough God, exalted be He, seized them at Badr and abrogated [ the dispensation of ] ‘granting respite’ by the ‘sword’ verse, in other words, by the command to fight and struggle.

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