Who Are Not Eligible For Zakat

Who Are Not Eligible For Zakat

You should know that Zakat is a basic and fundamental pillar of Islam. The main purpose of the Obligation of Zakat is to help poor Muslims and to elevate Islam; zakat is solely the right of poor Muslims. It is not right to give it to everyone. Allah has described the beneficiaries of zakat in Surah Taubah. Click the link below to find out:

Who Is Eligible For Zakat

People who are not eligible for zakat:

Today’s article will discuss those who do not deserve zakat or who cannot be given zakat:

1 – The wealthy and the poor:

The purpose of zakat is to provide financial assistance to the poor, so wealthy and well-off people do not deserve zakat. The hadith says:

“لا تحل الصدقة لغني ولا لذي مرة سوي”. (رواه الترمذي في سننه: 652)

Translation: Charity is not permissible for a person who is rich or well-off.” Sunan Tirmidhi, Rashi Hadith: 652.

Note: To be considered rich in the context of zakat means to have sufficient gold, silver, or cash that reaches the Nisab. The nisab for silver is one and a half tolas, which equals 612 grams. If one does not possess enough money to meet the nisab, one may receive zakat.

2 – Family of Prophet Muhammad (Ahll e  Bayt)

Zakat cannot be given to the Prophet and his Ahlul Bayt, as he said: “It is not permissible to take zakat from the family of Muhammad; this wealth is reserved for the people of the Ummah and the needy.” The hadith states:

“إن الصدقة لا تنبغي لآل محمد، إنما هي أوساخ الناس”.  (رواه مسلم في صحيحه: 1072)

“It is not permissible for the family of Muhammad to accept zakat, as it is a waste of the wealth of the people.” (Sahih Muslim: 1072)

3 – Parents, children, and spouses:

It is not permissible to give zakat to those whose maintenance is the responsibility of the person himself, such as parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, and spouse. This is because it is a man’s duty to fulfill their needs.

4 – Non-Muslims:

 The purpose of zakat is to assist poor Muslims and improve their financial condition; therefore, zakat money cannot be given to non-Muslims, unless they fall under the category of “al-mualafa qulub” (to win hearts), as mentioned in the Quran. However, charity can be given to non-Muslims.

5 – Powerful and Capable People:

Individuals who are physically fit and have the ability to work but intentionally choose not to do so are not eligible for zakat. The hadith states:

“لا تحل الصدقة لغني ولا لذي قوة مكتسب”. (رواه أبو داود في سننه: 1633)

Translation: Translation: Charity and Zakat are not permissible for a wealthy person or a person who has the ability to earn. (Sunan Abu Dawud, Hadith No. 1633)

6 – Those to Whom Giving Zakat Will Aid in Sin or Adultery:

Zakat wealth should not be given to such people who use the wealth of Zakat in wrong activities or spend it on the path of sin, for example: alcoholism, and other social evils.


It is essential to check the due amount of zakat and give it correctly to the receptions of zakat; otherwise, zakat will not be accepted. The rightful beneficiaries of zakat are those described by Allah in Ayah 60 of Surah Taubah, which states that zakat can be given to the: poor, needy, debtor, traveler, or those striving in the way of Allah. Non-deserving beneficiaries of zakat include wealthy individuals, family members, parents, children, wives, non-Muslims (under normal circumstances), and capable people who can work; they cannot receive zakat.

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