Author: Mohammad Hashim Qasmi Bastawi
The obligation of Zakat is not directly related to Ramadan, but rather the requirement and payment of Zakat is linked to becoming the owner of its specified nisab (minimum amount of Zakat).
Like other forms of worship, Zakat is also an important act of worship, and the rewards for all acts of worship are increased during Ramadan. In fact, the reward for one obligatory act is equivalent to that of 70 obligatory acts. For this reason, it has become a trend nowadays to pay Zakat specifically during the month of Ramadan. We hope from Allah that He will certainly grant greater rewards for the payment of Zakat during Ramadan by His grace and generosity.
The obligation of Zakat is related to the completion of the Zakat year, not to Ramadan. This means that when a person first possesses wealth equivalent to the nisab, after exactly one year according to the lunar calendar, if they still have wealth equal to or greater than the nisab, Zakat becomes obligatory, regardless of what month it is. Therefore, one should take this into account in their calculations. However, even if the Zakat year is completed in a month other than Ramadan, it is permissible to pay Zakat during Ramadan.
From the above details, it has become clear that if someone wishes to give Zakat during Ramadan, they can certainly do so, and God willing, they will receive greater reward. However, when it comes to the issue of Zakat, the most important thing is the Nisab (minimum amount) of Zakat, so we should first understand the Nisab.
Nisab of Zakat:
Allah, the Almighty, has made zakat obligatory on the wealthy for a specific amount of their wealth, known as the nisab, for His poor servants. If a person possesses this nisab, zakat is obligatory upon them; if someone has less than this nisab, then zakat is not obligatory on them.
Nisab of Gold:
If a person only possesses “gold” and has no other wealth (such as silver, cash, or trade goods), zakat is not obligatory until the gold reaches the weight of seven and a half tolas (approximately 87.479 grams). If the gold reaches this specified weight, then zakat becomes obligatory. (Bada’i al-Sanai’, Book of Zakat, Description of Zakat: 2/105, Dar Ihya al-Turath al-Arabi)
Nisab of Silver:
If a person only has “silver” and no other wealth (such as gold, cash, or trade goods), zakat is not obligatory until the silver reaches the weight of fifty-two and a half tolas (approximately 612.35 grams). If the silver reaches this specified weight, then zakat becomes obligatory. (Bada’i al-Sanai’, Book of Zakat, Wealth of Zakat: 2/100, Dar Ihya al-Turath al-Arabi)
Nisab of cash and trade goods:
If someone only has “cash” and no other assets (for example: gold, silver, or trade goods), then Zakat is not obligatory until the cash amount is sufficient to purchase 52.5 tolas (approximately 612 grams) of silver. Once the cash amount reaches this point, Zakat becomes obligatory. (Bada’i al-Sanai’, Book of Zakat, Types of Zakat: 2/103, Dar Ihya al-Turath al-Arabi)
An Important Issue Related to Nisab
If anyone has gold and silver, (regardless of the amount), or gold and cash, or gold and goods for trade, or silver and cash, or silver and goods for trade, or all three kinds of wealth: that is, gold, silver, and cash, or gold, silver, and goods for trade, or all four types of wealth: that is, gold, silver, cash, and goods for trade, then in all these cases, the value of these assets will be assessed. If their value equals or exceeds the price of 52.5 tolas (approximately 612 grams) of silver, then Zakat will be obligatory; otherwise, it will not be. (Badai’ al-Sanayi’, Book of Zakat, Description of Zakat: 2/105, 106, Dar Iḥya’ al-Turath al-Arabi)
From all these details, you must have understood well about the criteria for Zakat. The standard for the Zakat threshold will be based on silver. Let’s now take a look at the current values of silver and gold.
Nisab Value in USA Dollars (as of 21/01/2025):
Value of gold Nisab (87.48 grams) = approximately $7,624
Value of Silver Nisab (612.36 grams) = approximately $ 601.03
Nisab Value in Euros (EUR) (as of 21/01/2025):
Value of gold Nisab (87.48 grams) = approximately €7,390
Value of Silver Nisab (612.36 grams) = approximately €582.62
Nisab Value in British pounds (GBP) (as of 21/01/2025):
Value of gold Nisab (87.48 grams) = approximately: £ 6,251
Value of Silver Nisab (612.36 grams) = approximately: £492.83
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