fard of salah

Fard Of Salah, Sunnah Of Salah, Wajib, Makrooh, Terms of Prayer

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Masail, Farz, Wajib, Sunnah Mustahab and Makrooh of prayer (Namaz)

Author: Muhammad Hashim Qasmi Bastavi

Terms of Prayer and its Farayez

  1. The place must be pure.
  2. body must be pure
  3. clothes must be pure
  4. Satar’s hide (from navel to knees)
  5. Recognizing time
  6. Facing to the Qibla.
  7. To set up prayer.
  8. To say Takbir Tehrima.

Note: All these things are called conditions of prayer, all this is necessary before starting the prayer, now those things are being told which are mandatory in the prayer

  1. (That is, standing after Takbir Tehrima with folded hands.
  2. (Reading Surah Fatiha and Surah etcetera, at least 3 small aayats, or one big aayat)
  3. Ruku
  4. Sitting the amount of tashahhud in the last Kaada (i.e. in the last rak’ah after the Sajdah).

Wajibaat of prayer

  1. Reading of Surah Al-Fatiha in the first two rak’ahs of the Farz prayer, and every rak’ah of the rest of the prayers (Sunnah and Nafal).
  2. Reciting one surah in the first two rak’aths of prayer, and in all rak’aths of all other prayers.
  3. Reading of Surah Al-Fatiha before Surah.
  4. Reading of the Imam slowly in the Sirri prayer (Zohar, Asr) and aloud in the Jahri prayer (Maghrib, Isha, Fajr).
  5. Coma, that is, getting up from the ruku and standing upright.
  6. To do Jalsa, that is, to sit between the two Sajda.
  7. Tadile arakan, that is, to perform every part of the prayer well.
  8. Taratibe Arkan, i.e., recite the same type with which it is ordered to offer prayers, lest he should first sajda and then ruku.
  9. The amount of tashahhud to sit in the first Kaada (the 2 rak’ahs in the 4 rak’ah prayer is called the first kada).
  10. Read Attahiyaat in both kada
  11. Standing for the third rak’ah immediately after reciting tashahhud in the first qaada.
  12. In the third rak’ah of the Witr prayer, saying takbir and reciting dua’e qunoot.
  13. Speak six more takbirs in Eid and Bakrid prayers.
  14. Completion of prayer by saying the words of “Assalamu alalikum wa rahmatullah”.

Sunnahs of prayer

  1. Before saying Takbir Tahrima, raise both the hands up to the ears.
  2. Keep the fingers of both hands open and face towards Qibla.
  3. Do not bow your head while saying Takbir.
  4. Takbir tehrima of the Imam and saying all the takbirs aloud as per the requirement.
  5. Tie the right hand on the left hand below the navel.
  6. Read sana.
  7. Reading Taauz (ie Auzu Billahi Minashshaitanir Razim).
  8. Reading Tasmiyyah (ie Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim).
  9. Reading of Surah Al-Fatiha in the third and fourth rak’ahs of the Farz prayer.
  10. Say Amen.
  11. Slowly reciting Sana’a, Tauz, Bismillah, and Amen.
  12. To perform Kirat according to the Sunnah, that is, to recite the Qur’an according to the prayer in which the Qur’an is read as Sunnah.
  13. Read Tasbeeh at least thrice in Ruku and Sajda.
  14. In Quma the Imam should say Sami’Allah Liman Hamida and Muktadi should say Rabbana Laklhamdu and the one who prays alone should say both.
  15. While doing Sajdah, first place both the knees, then the hands, then the nose and then the forehead.
  16. Kada and Jalsa sit on the left foot, and keep the right foot standing in such a way that the ends of his fingers are on the side of the qibla, and keep both hands on the ropes.
  17. In tashahhud, pointing with the finger of martyrdom at ashhadu al la ilaha.
  18. Recitation of Durood Sharif after Tashahhud in the last Qada.
  19. Reading Dua’a Masoorah after Durood Sharif.
  20. Do Salam to first right then left.

Mustahabbat of namaz

  1. While speaking Takbir Tahrima, men should take both the palms out of the sleeves and women should raise both the hands from the inside of the dupatta to the shoulders.
  2. Reciting Tasbeeh more than three times in Ruku and Sajda.
  3. In the state of Qayaam, should keep an eye on the place of Sajdah, on the leg in Ruku, on the nose in Sajda, on the lap in Kaada, and on shoulders while offering Salaam.
  4. Stop cough with full force.
  5. Keep the mouth closed in yawn and if it is opened then hide it with the back of the right hand in the state of Qayaam, and in the rest of the Arkan with the back of the left hand.

Mufsidat Of Namaz (things that corrupt the prayer)

  1. Salam intentionally or accidentally.
  2. Talking intentionally or accidentally.
  3. To respond to something intentionally or by mistake.
  4. Doing “ahh” or “uff” because of discomfort.
  5. Say “Inna Lillah” on bad news or “Alhamdu Lillah” on good news or “SubhanAllah” on strange news.
  6. crying out loud because of pain or discomfort.
  7. To give Lukma to anyone other than your Imam (ie, interrupting or telling others in prayer if they read wrong or forgotten).
  8. proceeding from the imam (ie performing a part of the prayer before the imam)
  9. Reading the Holy Quran while praying. (The kirat in the prayer would have been spoken, if a person opens the Quran Sharif and recites it, then his prayer will not be done)
  10. Making a serious mistake in reading the Quran. (That is, if such a mistake should be made by which the meaning is reversed, and it is against our Islam)
  11. To Sajdah in an impure place.
  12. Eating food intentionally or accidentally.
  13. Turning the chest from the Qibla without any excuse.
  14. Two steps forward or two steps backward.
  15. Adult man laughing out loud in prayer.
  16. Amal kaseer, that is, doing something so that the others can understand that this person is not praying.
  17. Asking in prayer something that is asked of people, for example: O Allah, give me a hundred rupees.

Makroohat of Prayer

  1. Praying Namaz bareheaded due to laziness and carelessness.
  2. Gather the hair on the head and tie a bun.
  3. To Sajadah on the bandage or screw of the turban.
  4. Responding to salam with gestures of the hand or head.
  5. Close the eyes, but if the heart is not engaged in the prayer, then closing the eyes is not Makrooh.
  6. Turning face to the side of Qibla and looking here and there.
  7. Offering prayers by keeping money or any such thing in the mouth, which causes trouble in Kirat.
  8. Deliberately taking deposits, or not withholding deposits in a condition that can be prevented.
  9. Wrap the cloth in such a way that the hands cannot come out quickly.
  10. Keep hands on the waist or the womb or the hips.
  11. Offering prayers when there is a need to urinate or toilet.
  12. Fingers snapping, or putting the fingers of one hand into the fingers of the other hand.
  13. Counting aayats, or surahs, or tasbihat on the fingers.
  14. Removing pebbles, but if it is difficult to perform Sajdah, then there is no harm in removing them once.
  15. Sitting for four janu without any excuse.
  16. Sitting up, that is, sitting in such a way that the thighs rise up and the thighs are on the stomach, and the knees are attached to the chest and the hands are resting on the ground.
  17. Standing on someone’s face and praying.
  18. Inspite of having space in the front row, stand alone in the back row and offer prayers.
  19. Imam standing above the muqaddis, whose height is one hand.
  20. Imam standing inside the mihrab.
  21. Reading prayers against the Sunnah.
  22. Sajdah by laying the elbows.
  23. Sadal means hanging the clothes, like putting a sheet on the head and hanging it on both sides, putting the ichkin or cloak on the shoulders without putting hands in the sleeves.
  24. Wrapping clothes to protect them from dust or dirt.
  25. Playing with clothes or body.
  26. Offering prayers wearing modest clothes.
  27. Offering prayers wearing clothes depicting an animal.
  28. Offering prayers in such a place that there is a picture of a living person above or in front of the head of the praying person or at the place of right and left sajda.

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